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"discovered secret"

"Okay... let's see." You muttered, checking your luggage for the third time.

Currently, you are checking out everything that you would take tomorrow for the fearsome "Forest of Death". That has a very dramatic name, in your opinion.

You know, you were just packing things like; 'sealing rolls, senbons, tampons...'

The luggage that you would take to today's evaluation was small; the only thing you were carrying today were a few spare pencils for the written exam and, of course, your ribbon, which is your main weapon. This was because you knew in advance that the second exam that would take place tomorrow would be somewhat loaded.

You simply wanted to have the most important thing ready. Today, in the afternoon, you would prepare the provisions and some bottles of water that you would seal in a roll apart from the one that contained your personal belongings.

Strangely, since you learned how to seal, things have become much easier for you.

'I think everything is ready... What do you think, Sakura?' You asked curious about what your faithful companion would answer.

Sakura —as always— didn't take so long to give you an answer: "In my opinion, everything is fine. Although we could always check everything again in the afternoon and tomorrow if we have time."

You nodded without thinking too much, sealing things back into place. When everything was ready, you placed it on your bed, knowing beforehand that Sakura's mom wouldn't touch anything on her daughter's bed.

You hummed as you stood in front of the mirror, arranging and seeing that everything was okay in your outfit. Currently, your outfit is different from what you have been wearing for the past few days.

You are wearing a short-sleeved, dark red trench coat with small circles on the sleeves and white circles on the back. A black top, a mesh blouse, and white pants completed your outfit.

Strangely, the trench coat is similar to the red kimono-like outfit that Sakura wore in the original series.

Even though your whole outfit looked cute on you, it also made you look cool and badass.

You gently combed and tied Sakura's hair into a low ponytail with a magenta ribbon, leaving a few strands free to frame your new face. When you were done, you draped it over your right shoulder.

You then tied the hitai-ate on your right thigh. When you were done, you wrapped your ribbon around your waist, almost like a belt.

You walked around curiously to see how you would look at yourself from different angles. When your curiosity was satisfied, you sighed.

"Are you done modeling yet?" Sakura asked, amused.

𝑬𝑪𝑳𝑰𝑷𝑺𝑬 - 𝑉𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑆!𝑁𝐴𝑅𝑈𝑇𝑂 - ENGWhere stories live. Discover now