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"The boy of the forest"

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The messages to correct grammatical errors help a lot, so if you see any, please let me know.

Also, the beautiful messages that you leave me motivate me a lot, and I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate your messages of love seriously, **cries in Spanish**

I hope you enjoy the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!, xiao

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"You know, you shouldn't move. You're still hurt..."

"... Yeah, I guess you're right, Sakura"

duh- of course I'm right, silly.

While letting out a little hum, you reached up from your sitting position to help your Sensei back down on the futon as gently as you could.

Your sensei still had some mobility, you noticed, but still thanks to Sakura, you knew that his body wouldn't be able to move for another week.

'Excessive use of the Sharingan can have serious consequences on Kakashi's body' was what she said.

You knew Zabuza wouldn't be gentle in his way of fighting, neither against you nor against your team, but you've never seen someone fight the way he fought Kakashi. In a certain way it reminded you of Bakugo when he fought at the sports festival, all his movements were hard, but at the same time well-thought-out, without a doubt Zabuza is a formidable fighter. It's called the 'Demon of the Mist' for a reason, you guessed, although the nickname was cool but too rude to be used by a hero. Your teacher Midnight would have agreed with your thoughts... sigh if only she were here.

You still did not feel ready for this situation, you had lost so many important people to you, you were grieving, but you did not want these people to experience what a war was like.

'This world is very different from mine', you already knew that, you knew it from the little interactions with the people who called themselves ninjas, you knew it from how different each of them acted, and yet you were amazed at how both worlds were so different yet so the same.

But still...

This world is very cruel to the people who live in it.

"Sakura, are you alright?"

'No I'm not.'

"Yes, don't worry, Sensei. I'll go tell the others that you've woken up, now I'll be back"

Of course, you were not well, but you went, and you had to give your best. Until you find a way home.

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Luckily, the others were not hurt.

"Sakura! Sakura! My wound is healed!"

Well, almost all.

"Oh, Sakura! Sasuke still has an injured abdomen"

"Shut up Loser!"

"At least they have energy." You heard Sakura mutter under her breath.

When the trip to the Island of Waves began, you and your group were ambushed just like it happened in the Series, and luckily it was not serious. The only thing that happened was Naruto impaled his hand with a Kunai, Kakashi pushed himself to the limit, and Sasuke was kicked in the stomach until he vomited blood. Lovely, isn't it?

𝑬𝑪𝑳𝑰𝑷𝑺𝑬 - 𝑉𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑆!𝑁𝐴𝑅𝑈𝑇𝑂 - ENGWhere stories live. Discover now