Next to You... 🧡

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A/N: Touch Averse Levi x Hornee CisFem Reader
Skip to second "¤~<3~¤" for smut

C/W: Softcore, Making out, Masturbation, Mutual masturbation, Cumshot, Levi sweats a lot, On the floor (not the bare floor but still), Mostly fluff, Mild awkwardness, Way too long

You looked over at Levi as you lost Mario Kart terribly. Small pit stains were forming as he tried to beat his previous high record. You smiled to yourself. This was a rather pitiful sight: sitting on the floor in an impossible pose, tongue sticking out, hands trembling as they held gripped the controller. But you laughed because you knew how much he had been cleaning himself up lately. He doesn't smell mostly, anymore, except for when he smells good, like saltwater taffy or the ocean. His room doesn't have an oppressive, humid, stench to it anymore either. The floor wasn't sticky. It's so much better. His smile was bright (maybe it always was). His skin also shone, even in areas you wouldn't normally see. Maybe his confidence really was improving with you. It made you wonder if every part of him was squeaky clean. Wonder about what he smelled like underneath his comfort hoodie. About how it'd be to press your nose against him, anywhere, really, and feel him break into sweat against you--

"Y/N! Y/N!!" Levi was now looking dead at you.

"Eep!" you startled. You turned your eyes to his face.

"Mou~. Pay attention to the game, Y/N," he demanded, flustered.

"S-s-sorry!!" You looked back to the TV... and immediately wish you hadn't, as you were in the middle of lap negative three. Shamefully, you turned around to make your drive of shame.

Fast-forward to after the gaming. A boring anime was on the screen, three-episode rule having yet to yield any fruit. You found yourself subconsciously staring at Levi again. Something about him was alluring to you in that moment. You wanted to kiss him, take off his clothes, and kiss him forever. You knew that likely wouldn't come to pass, though; he was very hesitant about certain sensations. 'Touchy, touchy, no, no,' you recalled in your memory.

"Y/N," he said sternly. He was also uncomfortable being stared at. You looked away. "... Is this the part of the plot arc wherein I ask you what's wrong?" He looked annoyed, scooching away from you slightly.

You bit your lip guiltily.

"... So? What's wrong, Y/N?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry." He narrowed his eyes, then they gradually widened again in hurt and slight panic.

"There's another, isn't there? You're trying to tell me..." He brought his knees to himself. "I'm trying, okay! I'm trying to take the 'yucky' out of 'yucky otaku...'"

You grabbed a hand which he flinched away from more, falling on his side with a thud. You flinched. "Sorry again!"

He brought himself back up. "Y/N. You've apologized three times this one chapter. Stahpit."

You shut your mouth. He gave you a look, still curious about earlier. "Well, uh... I guess it's just... whenever I'm next to you, I want to... uh..." It felt awkward saying this to his face. After all, this was you saying you wanted something against your pre-existing boundaries, and you didn't wanna look like a jerk. "You know, h u g." You almost sounded inhuman.


"A-and kiss."

"... Sure."

"For more than ten seconds at a time."

"... Ahhh..."

You looked away. "I'm so--!" He had put his hand on your mouth, squeezing it to make you resemble a pufferfish.

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