By Nature 💖

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A/N: Asmodeous x CisMale Reader Fic

C/W: Swearing, Mentions of self-esteem issues, X Reader, Anal sex, Oral sex, Multiple orgasms, Kabedon, Teasing, Usage of a singular emoticon at the end, Mention of the Real Housewives (shudders)

Asmodeous was a sexual demon by nature. He was making passes at you, the human exchange student, since you'd first arrived in the Devildom. You never paid it any mind after the initial shock wore off, especially after the brothers and Solomon informed you that's just the way he was.

That is, until you formed a pact. You started to talk to and hang out with him more. You hung out so often you started adapting each other's mannerisms. The others started to gossip. He'd talk about his issues with identity and his need for love alone in your room. When it was just the two of you, the flirting was, at first, minimal. Then, he started to subtly flirt with you, admiring your beauty with a sincerity you didn't realize was possible for him.

It was after this that his sexual openness presented a problem to you. The overt flirting he performed around others got to you more often, and you had to excuse yourself from the room on multiple occasions after he'd gotten touchy and triggered something in you he hadn't before. You found yourself staring at him while at RAD, becoming shyer around him, and before you knew it you'd developed a crush on the Avatar of Lust.

Oh boy.

One day after classes, you and Asmodeous were hanging out in your room, watching Real Housewives of Demon Island, which none of the other brothers, not even Mammon, could stomach. While you two made fun of the obviously fake real housewives Asmo laughed. Hard. He full on guffawed, slapping his knee as he broke his usual demeanor. A mixture of surprise, his amusement, and the soft sound he made after he realized he'd accidentally turned himself on sent your brain to the moon. Your dick tried to follow. You decided to get up to retrieve them both. Asmo, to your disdain, tried to follow.

"Y/n? Where are you going~?" he questioned, pouting.

"Just to the bathroom, hon. I'll be right back," you replied, hands in pants pockets and turned most of the way around.

"I don't like that answer..." Asmodeous responded, beginning to follow you. He stopped a little ways away, and you nearly made it to the bathroom before you heard, "Honestly, I've been a little bit worried. You always seem to be avoiding me lately.~" The concern in his voice stopped you in your tracks.

"D-don't be silly--" you started, turning your head.

"No!" he interrupted. "I've seen it myself. Stop-- what's that human term for it again-- gaslighting me! You think there's something wrong with me, don't you? That's why you're trying to distance yourself," he asserted. Tears were beginning to prick the corners of his eyes as he stood his ground, hands at his side.

You looked at his expression, deciding to try to ease the pain you'd caused by confessing. You took a breath: "I want to fuck you, Asmodeous."

He moved in on you fast, looking even more upset. He pushed your shoulder against the door you'd had yet to open, gritting his teeth, shoulders shaking slightly, as though laughing. "Y/n. Now's not the time for you to treat me like a fucking joke!"

You looked down at your hands, no longer covering your situation. Embarrassed and a little afraid, you admitted quietly, "It's not a joke."

You cleared your throat, signaling for him to look down and see what you were previously trying to hide. His expression changed to disbelief, hand falling. You'd seen him at his most vulnerable emotionally. You'd even seen him without makeup. How could you still find him so desirable? His eyes said those things to you. Hesitantly, you began to move in for a hug. He reciprocated.

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