(003) not your typical candidate

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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛not your typical candidate❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s1 : e3 poison ivy

There's plenty of upsides to bring the spawn of the fabulously wealthy but the downside... supper successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring and when it comes to college, that means the Ivies.
It's more than just getting into college, it's sleeting a course for the rest of your life and for those few who aren't legacies the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures what kid would wanna let them down?


"I ASK ALL OF YOU to show a little sympathy for our junior class, they are almost through with Ivy week." A voice sounds out from the front of the hall where the girls of Constance Billard and boys of St Jude's sit listening. However, two prominent figures from that junior class were currently missing; Ophelia Astor and Serena van de Woodsen.

Blair had noticed the lack both their presence, shrugging Serena's off as her usual carelessness for anything important but Ophelia's caused her to frown. However little A knew exactly what she was doing as she stepped out from the back seat of the limo, quickly followed by Theo.

Walking up the brick stairs and towards the hall, she hadn't given her appearance much thought until she stopped outside the doors. Pulling the compact mirror from her purse she attempted to fix her messy hair into place as well as wipe away the excess lipstick that had smudged onto her chin minutes previous.

Finally walking in, a few heads turn her way at the intrusion alongside a stern look from the front of the room. Ophelia had never been one for rules, especially when it came to school. The frequent late and uniform marks the girl received were shrugged off down to the sole fact of who her father was and the name that provided her with.

Although Constance did have an official uniform, the girls that attended had never stuck to it and Ophelia's current attire was a key example of that. A small black mini skirt sat more than mid-way up her thigh, a pair of black tights underneath which had rips running throughout them. Her white shirt sat unbuttoned at the top, her tie hanging loosely off her neck as she rolled her sleeves up her arm.

Noticing Blair sat towards the front of the room, Lia sunk down into one of the more empty benches at the back of the hall as the voices continued to drown out from the front. "For those of you who dream of attending an Ivy League school, this mixer is the most important event of your life." As people around her listened in admiration, Ophelia couldn't help but roll her eyes.

The same thing she had done this morning during her father's lecture about the importance of her going to college. Despite her family name giving her a one-way ticket into an Ivy of her choice, she also had the grades to support it but that wasn't what she wanted. The idea of doing another four years of education wasn't something she particularly wanted to do, unlike all her friend who couldn't think of more they'd like to do with their future.

She had already made herself into something, a name people recognised as separate from who her family was. She had worked for what she gained so who would want to give all that up? She most definitely didn't.

Her father hadn't seen it the way, he saw the career she was currently pursuing as a dead end. "Ophelia you won't look like this forever, you need to have something behind you." These were the words he spoke to her as the three members of the Astor household sat and ate breakfast this morning causing a laugh from the other side of the table.

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