Rings, Ranks and Wrangling

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slowly start to drift away, nodding, "Uh huh, uh huh, definitely." Before I zoom off to avoid anyone getting a closer look at my wings, I still add for politeness, "Sorry, but still no."

Once I'm out of earshot from everyone, I mumble to Kieran, "Full speed, Buddy."

And we're off. The finish line is in sight.

No troubles appear during the small-time that it took me to reach the flagpole and island that marked the finish line.

I skid to a halt—the soles of my feet burning and tumble when I land on the island, completely forgetting that I should probably slow down. I almost face plant into the ground when someone catches me.

"Are you alright, master? Your landing was a bit... rough" asks a familiar voice as the person gently puts guides me back on my feet. My head is a bit dizzy from my bumpy landing, yet the stars fade when I shake my head.

Pink bangs and a look of concern that could only have come from one person greet me when I look up to see who had caught me. It's Asmodeus, and slowly emerging from behind him, Clara.

My eyes immediately light up, and it feels like the landing didn't happen in the first place, "Azz! Clara! Hey! How did you guys do?"

The concern on both of their faces disappears when they realize I'm alright and Clara jumps over Asmodeus's shoulder.

She grabs the collar of my shirt and starts to loudly and rapidly recount every single detail of what happened, including how she had hitched a ride on Azz's back for the entire journey, "—AND THEN AZZ-AZZ PULLED ME OUT OF THAT CARNIVOROUS FLOWER WHEN I THOUGHT IT WAS ABOUT TO EAT ME! BUT I'M NOT DEAD YET, SO YAYYY!!!"

She pulls me in for a hug, and I let sound like a deflating balloon—probably because my lungs have deflated from how tight she's holding me. I start seeing stars before the feeling fades as Azz yanks her away and starts scolding her again,

I take this time to recoup, gradually trying to regulate my breathing and not die. Slipping Kieran off my back, the f/c wings shrinking back into the void that we call its body.

Professor Kalego looks up from his notepad. "You're in third place—even though none of the cameras got you...", he grumbled the last part before sitting back into a chair and what looks like to be another monitor.

So Professor Kalego had a way of monitoring us during the race? What would've happened if I got caught walking? With no wings? Would that have been enough to spell my doom?

A vision of me being tied to a stick, yelping from the fire below, licking my skin while all the demons of the Netherworld watch, stars in their eyes and mouths slobbering. They wouldn't even bring utensils, their claws are sharp enough to do that...

A shiver rushes up my spine.

A small black dot grows progressively closer and closer to the island, soon reaching a close distance to the flagpole. It's one of those floating camera-demons. Probably the ones used to watch us during the race.

A small black dot grows progressively closer and closer to the island, soon reaching a close distance to the flagpole. It's one of those floating camera-demons. Probably the ones used to watch us during the race.

The camera takes its time to flap over to the top of the monitor and perch itself on top of it, reporting in a small voice, "Camera 1 has returned to station."

All that there is left to do is wait for the others.

I head over to where Clara is being strangled by Azz.

I WANT YOU TO BE MY GRANDCHILD ( Welcome to demon school / reader) slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now