The Flying Race and a Name

464 13 9

Author's note:

Hello hello my dear readers! For some reason getting the motivation to write this chapter took longer than I thought. Life was being life, but otherwise I'm just glad that I pulled through and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Also think of your f/c (favourite colour) because it's relevant now.


"Agares Picero"


"Asmodeus Alice"


"Allocer Schneider"




I raise my hand, "Here."

With me and Iruma's first introduction to our new demon classmates, Professor Kalego starts his lesson.


A loud 'thump!' makes me flinch, looking to the source of the noise, our teacher had slammed his book onto the desk. He looks at us sternly. "All of you, outside", his nose crunched up when we didn't stand up fast enough. "Now. You troublemaking idiots. We're starting the process of determining your ranks."

Isn't the familiar summoning already for that though?

Oh wait! We didn't get ranking crests then. Maybe it's a joint process, first familiars, then... whatever comes next.

The class files out, and right outside our homeroom is an orange tent with minuscule wings at its sides. We squeeze in and the doors to the tent close. Suddenly the familiar feeling of gravity pushing me further into the floor washes over me, just like if we were in an elevator.

The doors to the tent open again and wind rushes past us when we step out of the lift and onto a small floating island. We are right in the middle of two enormous and obviously contrasting valleys.

On my right we have a valley filled with dull-tipped mountainous peaks, some even reaching sky-high. The skies on that side are cloudless and sunny, I can even see a bit of flora thriving at the bottom of the valley.

Although my left side is the complete opposite, the sunlight barely reaches through all the dark, stormy clouds. That valley's spiky peaks cut through the sky and cast even more shadows down below. The mountains there are filled with obscure caves at every turn. The only fauna or flora that seems to survive in that part of valley match their environment: dark, with sharp edges and sinister intents.

The class gathers near one side of the floating island, where a monitor and Professor Kalego are seen. The demon in front of us starts explaining the details, "Your ranks will be determined by the familiar summoning exam given previously, along with this race".

So this is joint thing then...

"The goal is to reach the flag on top of the nest-covered peak far beyond this valley before your classmates do"

I look over, and my eyes widen when I realise that the flag is perched on a small floating island almost too far out of eye's reach. It's merely a speck in the midst of the mountainous landscape. The ground below out little island looks uneven, and the various obstacles plants a seed of doubt in me.

There's no way that we'd be able to trek all of that in a reasonable amount of time, or maybe make it alive at all.

Unless if we take the air route...

I WANT YOU TO BE MY GRANDCHILD ( Welcome to demon school / reader) slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now