Thoughts (Short)

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Author's note:

Hello my dear readers! 

Here's a short chapter to recap on what Y/n thinks of everyone and everything so far since I feel like I haven't been clear enough on that already. 

Also seriously thank you guys SO MUCH for over 1k reads already! And it keeps growing! I'm honestly very glad and excited that all of you decided to give this story a chance, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart. (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡

That's all for now, thank you again and have a fun time reading! 


"I hope we'll be in the same class together too,"


"Yes! I can't wait to spend my education with the both of you!"


"It'll be so fun! Right Y/n-ween? Iruma-kins?"


"So... we're friends?"


Those words kept swirling around in Y/n's restless head as she laid on her bed the night before classes were announced. It had only been a few days... but she already seemed to be getting used to this new change of pace. As for the people she's met... well, it's better if we take a look in her mind to find out for ourselves shall we?

I'm not too sure how to feel about having demons as friends... I mean they haven't even heard the word "friendship" before! But that has gotten me curious about a few things... what is their equivalent of friendship? Or do they just call each other classmates that they hang out with more than the others? 

It does feel a bit weird to make friends this fast in a new setting... I would usually observe for a few months before I actually call someone my friend, let them show their true colours before I trust them.

Yet, Iruma has never had any friends before... or anything that is seen as a "normal childhood" by human society, I already hate his parents by what he has told me so far. Like- seriously!? Working ever since he started walking? That is at around about 1 year of age! 1 year! Arrgh...

He is a nice guy though, even with his entire ordeal of not saying no, I'm probably going to have to teach him the ropes about this entire friend situation, just so it doesn't go down in flames...

As for the demons themselves... well I can tell that we're in good hands with Grandpa Sullivan, and his eggy-mode is so... fun and cute! We've been getting along so far, despite the few awkward moments. He's always asking us if we want anything, despite me and Iruma saying no several times over...

Opera seems to care deeply for Sullivan too, although it does seem like new of our arrival might might have been a bit of a surprise. I'm not too sure how I stand with them now after I confused their feline ears for hair spikes though...

I WANT YOU TO BE MY GRANDCHILD ( Welcome to demon school / reader) slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now