Bonus Chapter

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Warnings- slight cussing, short bonus chapter, petty y/n

Hope I'm able to give you some type of closure with this bonus chapter. Alot of you were shocked and Suprise to the ending and felt sort of connected to the book. You guys don't know how much that means to me!

I do have another Miguel story call Mafioso Infierno for those who are interested! It's is completely different than this one, It's a dark twisted dark mafia romance! There are four chapters so far! so go check it out :)

But for now enjoy this short chapter for i can fix him!

Let's start at the beginning... One last time.

Alessa's 6th Birthday Party

"How the hell do we keep going through this?" I huff.

Brian shrugs his shoulders as we stare at Lilly and Miguel going at it, arguing which present is better.

"Mine is better." Lilly crosses her arms.

"No! Mine is better!" Miguel glares.

Brian tapped out on the game along time ago but beavis and buthead kept on going.

Every damm year same argument, same fights.
Same tantrum. We're banned from chuck and cheese thanks to tweedledee and tweedledum who are so god damm stubborn, determined to out beat each other but for some reason Alessa won't pick a gift she likes better.

I think it's because she doesn't want to hurt their feelings.

My little girl is just so thoughtful

"Oh my god! Can we just please let Alessa open her presents! She's falling asleep for god's sake!" I say frustrated as i point to a 6 year old who keeps catching herself from falling on top of the cake.

"Yea Dad please. I want to play a game before bedtime." Oscar leans Alessa onto his chest so she doesn't doze off and splat on the cake.

"Okay okay." Miguel huffed.

"Thank god." I groan.

"Alessa, Sweetheart go ahead open them." Miguel smiles.

She stretches out her arms and lets out a yawn and nods.

"Okay." She rubbed her eyes.

She opens Lilly's gift first.

She squeals as she opens it. "A barbie and a car set!" She cheers in excitement.

"Thank you aunt Lilly." She beams with a toothless smile.

"You're welcome kiddo." She smiles at her.

"Okay Alessa, open mine next Cariño." Miguel brings out a big box.

"Miguel." I warn with a frown when i see how big the box is.

"Don't worry Cariño, it's not what you think it is." He assures.

I forbid them from getting power wheels.

We're not having another Mario Kart catastrophe.

No let's a go here

I hum in response as i eye him suspiciously.

"Whoa!" Lilly jumps out of the chair and runs over to Miguel.

"Hey! Y/N said no big gifts!" Lilly whines.

"No.. She said no power wheels, she didn't say about the size." Miguel smirked.

Lilly curses under her breath as she's sure she's about to lose.

I Can Fix Him (Miguel O'Hara Dark Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now