Chapter 6

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(3rd Person POV)

Darius dashed out the door as soon as the transport stopped. Fortunately he wasn't to far from work 'which was only a couple blocks away.'

But that still didn't make him feel any better. Because no matter how close he was, he knew he was about to be late AGAIN. This was not looking good for him.

He ran as fast as he could down the street towards the large factory standing before him.

He bumped into a few people. Some dropped their things and others fell down to the ground. He could hear them shouting at him in anger.

But he didn't have time to stop and apologize to them. So he kept on running until he eventually came to the main entrance.

Everyone was working at their station. Sparks were flying everywhere, machines were constructing machines and everyone of Darius's co-workers were at their usual stations.

He took a quick look around to see if one of his superiors was in the work area. The coast was clear as he approached the time clock next to the sliding door, and punched himself in.

A couple of employees glanced over at him as he past by their stations.

He then came over to station 16A. Darius grabbed his protective gear, put his welding helmet on, and started working.

Deep in thought he wondered if anybody would sell him out. Maybe they already had and they were just waiting for the boss to fire him.

But Darius couldn't focus on that right now, because the only thing he needed to focus on was putting these stabilizers together.

For a living, Darius worked in a factory manufacturing line. Which focuses on constructing small stabilizer boxes for Republic star fighter boosters. It was a difficult, messy, and dangerous job but he was able to manage it well.

To be honest, working in a factory wasn't his plan to begin with. In fact Darius's real plan was to become a pod racer.

The best pod racer in the whole galaxy.

He loved everything about pod racing-the crowds, the racers, the pods, the adrenaline, all of it.

But even though he had a plan for his future, a shocking chain of events led him down a different path. Ending him up in this old rusted dump of a job.

What those circumstances were well... that's something he needed to share willingly. When that day comes, I have no idea, and neither does he. Probably never.

You see every person has a story to tell-a past. The problem is not a lot of people want to share their stories. Because they believe it will bring more harm than good.

For Darius.... his story carried a lot of pain and hardship. His story, was one that he wished would fade away like a dream. But it would never happen.

The one thing Darius learned while growing up, was that there were no happy endings in life.

At least not for him. And believe it or not, he was perfectly fine with that.


After long hours of assembling machinery on the assembly line, an alarm goes off. It was now time for a break.

Darius checks himself out at the time clock and heads over to another room. It was the cafeteria, well..... at least the factories version of a cafeteria.

It wasn't much. Everything was pretty banged up and worn out. The tables, the chairs, the walls, everything was very old and out of date.

The lights that lit up the place were a light orange color, and a few of them blinked on and off.

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