Chapter 4

28 2 1

( Start Song )

:Draco 1
In The Mid Core Systems

A large cluster of dark clouds invade the skies of Draco 1. The sun was still out shining over the grassy planes and rocky hilltops.

Suddenly the entire sky covers with flak as an entire squad of hyena bombers fly over a massive battlefield. One bomber gets shot down and falls from the sky crashing into the center of the field bellow.

All around the Draco planes Republic and Separatist forces collide in a deadly gorilla fight.

'To the right side of the battle,' the clone army remains trenched on the high ground. Three AT-TE Walkers are positioned on top of the rocky hills, eight AT-RT's charge all across the front lines trying to keep the droids at bay, and over a thousand clone troopers fire from the trenches dug into the rocks. Up in the skies a few Republic V-Wing Starfighters are caught in a dog fight with Separatist Vulture Droids.

They swarmed all over the skies like bees hovering over a black bear taking their honey.

'To the left side of the planes,' the droid army pushes forward on all sides. They continue to gain ground throughout the battlefield as the Republic struggles to hold them back.

Nine AAT Tanks push straight into the wide open grassy planes pushing the Republic lines farther and farther away. To the rear, three Spider Droid Walkers lay heavy fire on the trenches dug into the rocks, and four Hailfire Droid Tanks roll through out the battlefield firing dozens of heat seekers at the Walkers. To the very front of the battle, hundreds and thousands of B1 battle droids and B2 Super battle droids march in picture perfect rows. Every time one droid got shot down, three more took its place.

The battle continued to rage on, neither side was advancing or retreating. Both armies were in a deadlock.

 Both armies were in a deadlock

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But at this point the Separatist seemed to have the upper hand in this fight

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But at this point the Separatist seemed to have the upper hand in this fight. They kept pushing and pushing slaughtering every clone that stood in their way.

On top of one of the rocky hills, an AT-TE turret shatters an HDT. The tanks two large wheels separate flying into the air in opposite directions.

An AAT fires ground missiles at one of the AT-TE's. Both of its front legs were destroyed and the Walker was completely stuck. An HDT fires a barrage of three heat seekers-upon impact the Walker burst into flames sending a group of troopers flying a few feet in the air. The crew of the Walker climbed out as the fire consumed them. They screamed in total agony until a few blaster shots put them out of their misery.

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