The Truth

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INT. FIREHOUSE 118 - The truth

The team is gathered around the table, finishing up a meal. The tension is thick, and there's a sense of anticipation in the air.

Buck glances at Eddie, who gives him a reassuring nod. Buck clears his throat.

BUCK: So, uh, Eddie and I have something to tell you guys.

The chimney looks up, curiosity piqued. Hen raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

BOBBY: Is everything okay?

BUCK: Yeah, yeah, everything's great. It's... well, it's more than great.

Eddie reaches over, taking Buck's hand in his.

EDDIE: We're together.

There is a pause.

CHIMNEY: Together, like...?

Buck rolls his eyes, smiling.

BUCK: Yes, Chim, together like that.

HEN: (laughs) I knew it!

Bobby looks surprised but pleased.

BOBBY: Well, congratulations, both of you.

Hen gets up from her seat, grinning widely.

HEN: Pay up, Chimney.

Eddie: Wait, you guys had a bet on us?

Hen nods, holding out her hand. Chimney groans, reaching for his wallet.

CHIMNEY: I can't believe this.

Hen just grins, taking the money.

Hen: I just know my friends.

Buck and Eddie look at each other, then back at their friends, laughing.

BUCK: We're glad to have you all as our family.


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