•After Games•

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Orion pov: "Are you ready for today's match Megatronus?"Orion asked curiously.

Megatronus pov: "Of course I am little one, aren't I always hmm."

Orion pov: *Giggles* O...okay Yes you are but come on everyone has their ups and downs right?

Megatronus pov: "I suppose but when the best is expected you have to give it your best."

Orion pov: "Alright but atleast be careful."

Megatronus pov: *Gives kiss on Orion's forehead.* "I will I promise my Love."

*A few minutes after the Game*

Its was Megatronus Vs Jailbreaker.

Megatronus pov: *Chuckles*

Orion pov: "Megatronus!!!"

Megatronus pov: "Huh?" "Oh hello Orion how was your watching of the game?"

Orion pov: "Good,  but are you okay you took some major hits in there."

Megatronus pov: *Picks up Orion*
"Im fine Love now want to go home its starting to get cold and its gonna get alot colder if we stay out."

Orion pov: "Okay, lets go."

Megatronus pov: "Yup also one more thing...

Orion pov: "Wha-"

Megatronus pov: "Kissing attack"

Orion pov: "H...Hey s*Laughs*stop*laughs*

Megatronus pov: "Okay, but now we really have to go okay."

Orion pov: *Laughs* "Okay.

*And they walked to Megatronus's home.*

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