Y/N Backstory:The reason (final)

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Warnings: Abuse, mature language, mention of SH, description of SA, eating disorder.

Nobody's POV

Walking home you feel the fresh autumn breeze wash over your face, small droplets of rain stick to your hair as you continue walking, your shoes splattering in the puddles created in the bumps of the pavement.


You read the message, a smile rising on your lips as you read. Come watch the football game with me and Sam later, were preforming at half time. The message read. You except the offer and send back a simple thumbs up emoji.

Walking into the house the smell of algahol hits your nose like a punch in the face. Your mum greets you with a sad smile, a fresh bruise on her cheek and her eyes puffy from crying. You drop your bag and embrace her in a hug, stroking her hair gently.

"Why don't I help you start dinner?" You suggest pulling back from the hug either a smile. She nods and walks towards the kitchen, you follow. You grab the pasta from the cabinet and place it in the pot of bubbling hot water and stir it around with a fork.
Your dad storms towards the kitchen, his boots banging loudly on the floor as he reaches the door frame.

"Do you have to be so damn loud?! I'm trying to watch the TV!!" He yells, slamming his hand on the counter beside you, making the pot of hot water spill over your chest and neck. You gasp in pain as the boiling hot water burns your skin. He looked to you, no remorse only anger in his eyes.

"Play with fire and you get burned bitch. It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been so damn loud!" He screams into your ear, gripping your arm, his fingers digging into your sensitive skin. Tears welled in your eyes but you don't let them fall, keeping your head down slightly not making eye contact. He releases your arm and lifts your chin up.

"Look at me when I am talking to you! You are nothing but a worthless bitch and nobody will want you!" He growled, his angry face next to yours. You nod and blink the tears away. He let's go of your face and walks away back into the living room. You keep helping your mum cook dinner.

"Here, let me take care of your arm, Dear." She says, her voice calm yet filled with sadness and remorse.  She moves her hand to grab your arm, you shake your head.

"I can do it, just go eat okay?" You say snapping your arm away from her. You walk into the bathroom and run cool water over your burned arm, the water stinging at your arm. You walk back into the kitchen and grab a small bowl of pasta, eating it quickly. You change into a simple pair of black jeans and a red long sleeve shirt, Cole's jacket over top. You bring the fabric of the jacket to your nose and inhale, taking in his sent. You leave note on the kitchen counter.

I'm going to a study group, I'll be back a little later.

Although you knew that was a lie and you were in fact going to the football game you couldn't tell them that. Your dad would be furious, so you lied and with that left through the front door. A black car pulls up, Samuel's mum in the drivers seat, Samuel in the passenger seat and Cole in the back. You smile and open the door, sitting next to Cole.

"Thank you Mrs Golbach for picking me up." You thank her with a smile. She looks in the rear view mirror and looks at you with a bright smile.

"Please Y/N it's no problem and you don't have to call me that you can just call me Cindy." She says, with a small chuckle. She focuses her eyes on the road while she drives. Samuel turns on the radio and plays some music, bopping his head to the tune.

"You still have my jacket on." Cole says, turning to you with a smile. You smile and nod.

"Yeah, it's nice. I like it, and besides I brought it to give back to you." You say, a small smile on your lips as you talk. He shakes his head and chuckles.

"You can keep it Y/N, it looks better on you anyway." He says, reaching for my hand and holding it in his.


We make it to the football game and Sam's mum drives away with a wave and a smile. You sit on the bleachers while Samuel and Cole get set up on the side of the field. You watch with a smile, glancing at the two of them. Loud music starts playing and the band marches on the field, you never take your eyes off your friends, taking longer to observe Cole and his smile as he plays his instrument. You take out your note pad and start drawing the field, the band and your two friends in red pen, making them stand out of the photo. Once you finish the drawing you close your note book and take in your surroundings, your eyes always finding their way to the two goofy boys on the field. They finish their music and you clap, whooping their names.

"Whoo! Go Samuel and Cole!!" You day with a chuckle. They start to walk to the bleechers and you run down to them and embrace them both in a hug.

"You guys did so good!" You say with a large proud smile on your face.

*beep, beep*

All of you turn to the noise and see your mother sat in the drivers seat of your dads car, a new fresh bruise and cut on her face. Cole looks to you and sees your face change, to sadness and regret.

"I-i gotta go." You day looking up at them both, giving them both another hug. You grab your things and run to the car.

"How did you find me?" You ask leaning on the door of the car.

"We're leaving Y/N, for good. To LA. We're getting away from your father, we can't let him hurt us anymore" she says with a sad look on her face. I break down in tears of relief yet pure sadness, realising I'm leaving my friends behind.

"What about them. I can't leave them mum!" With your sentence your friends run to you, you turn to them, tears in your eyes and down your face.

"Guys... I love you so much, I can't stay here anymore, we're leaving here. For good. I'll find you soon, I promise, I'll never forget you."you mumble, tears running down your cheeks. Cole embraces you and kisses you on the cheek softly, tears in his own eyes. Samuel hugs the both of you and you stay like that for a moment, embracing each other as you cried.

" We will see each other again. I'll come find you." Cole says looking down at you, he lifts your chin with his hand and kisses you softly on the lips. You smile and hug him again.

"Goodbye..." You say as you get into the passenger seat of the car. Your mother starts the car and drives away, Samuel and Cole chase the car down the streat and you sit there, head in hands as the car picks up speed. Cole collapses on his knees in the street. Crying loud as he watches the car as it drives away. Sam hugs him, both of them filled with tears.

You were gone, none of you knew if you'd ever see each other again. With that you left your friends behind, your true family and love, for a new life.

1306 words

(This is the last background story chapter, other than a few flash backs in future chapters this is the whole backstory behind Y/N, their friend ship with Samuel and Cole and how they parted ways due to Y/N's abusive dad and the life she had to live. Hope you like this, cheers x)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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