<- visiting the city ->

358 4 2

[Location: Tokyo, Japan]
[Ships: Giyushino not dating, modern au]
[Pics not mine]

[It was winter break, Shinobu planned to visit Tokyo over the break. She had her airplane ticket, she had her bags, she was all set to go. She waved goodbye to her sister's and family as she headed out the door]

"Goodbye now~!"


[Shinobu walked to the point where her and her Uber were planning to meet. Her Uber arrived, she opened the door and confirmed it was the driver she had listed, then she got inside and shut the door, she placed her luggage in the back and put her seatbelt on, then the driver set off and she looked outside, looking at the snowy ground, no grass to be seen now. Breezy air filling the car because of the ac. Shinobu slowly zoned out, looking out the window, thinking about all sorts of things. She quickly snapped out of it once the car came to a halt and the door locks unlocked and the driver looked over at Shinobu]

"goodbye miss!!" The driver mentioned


"oh! Thank you..." Shinobu added

[She unbuckled and got up, opened the door, got out, and grabbed her luggage from the back and shut the trunk]

"Thank you!!" Shinobu had arrived at the airport

[She walked towards the entrance and tried to push the door open. It was a pull to open, she was embarrassed, she was about to pull it open until it opened without her doing it,she felt a presence over her. She looked over and saw her enemy....Giyu Tomioka.]

"ugh." She muttered

[She walks into the airport and Tomioka followed behind her. They went their separate ways, they did share a few glares. But Shinobu didn't think they'd be on the same flight, he wouldn't go to Tokyo....right....? She walked to the center of the airport, she heard the overlapping voices, the intercom, the many people inside, she walked into the line for her flight. She was waiting in line, she was on her phone until the line moved without her knowing. Somebody pushed her, she got pushed into the person infront of her, she was so embarrassed and apologized over and over, until she looked up and saw....HER ENEMY??? She immediately stopped apologizing, she realized he would be on her flight..?!]

"hah" Tomioka laughed

"Shut. Up." She raised her fist under his chin

[He quickly lifted up his hand, holding her wrist to get her from punching him, she quickly slid her hand out of his grasp and rolled her eyes]

[The line moved and moved until it was their turn. Tomioka handed his ticket and got it checked, then he moved onto the next line. Shinobu following the exact same process, They got checked and then escorted to the waiting area]

[Then the intercom announced their flight would be boarding now. All the passengers had started to get up and get their stuff. Lining up in the formed lines, She lined up behind the rest of the people. She was able to go to her seat, she was quite short but she had to ask for the flight attendant to put the luggage in the above head carrier, then she sat down and took a breath, and she waited for the seatbelt sign while she got comfy and waited for the seatbelt sign to go off. But then a flight attendant came and then another one took her luggage and then the other spoke up]

"Miss, please come with us"

[Shinobu shyly got up, fear was shining in her eyes. She followed them to first class..? And then he pointed to the seat next to Tomioka?!!?? The attendants put her luggage in the overhead and then they left. She sat down next to him and he looked over at her]

"Whyd you do it..?" She asked confused

"Being alone is boring, especially when I know I could be annoying you" he said with a cheeky smirk

"Oh shut up" Shinobu looked away

[He went on his phone and put on a movie on his miniscreen]

"Woah" Shinobu muttered as she learned all the abilities of this new seats

[He chuckled and watched the movie]

[Shinobu slowly fell asleep at 12:31am, and she leaned against Tomioka's shoulders.resting her face on his shoulder, he looked over and smiled, and kissed her cheek ]

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