~+ how do i make salmon daikon?! +~

529 11 1

[Location; Tomioka, residence]
[Ship: married Giyushino]
[pics not mine]
[alive kanae]

"Ahhhh!!" Shinobu complained

"How do I make Salmon daikon?!?!" She put her hands over her head and leaned against the kitchen counter,]

"I want to make it, I need to make it!! for Giyu!" She added

[She walks to the closet, grabs her apron, tied it behind her back. And looked for the ingredients, thankfully she had what she needed, she pulled up a tutorial, and tried, over and over, thankfully, her husband was at work, so she didn't have to worry about him coming home, ]

"okay..should be easy, step 1, slice up radish," she mumbled to herself

[Shinobu is a good cook, she can cook mostly, anything!! She can cook some Korean dishes aswell, and a few American ones! She was the best at Japanese ones, Kanae taught her when she was younger, ]

[She grabbed the chopping board and the knife, she slowly chopped up the radish,]

[She then followed the steps,]

[Then she got the salmon and cut it up, she compared the video, to the salmon she cut, it was too thin!?]

"Shit" she mumbled under her breath

[She got another pack from the freezer, luckily, Giyu would ask her to buy a lot of salmon, so she was prepared, she made sure to cut larger, not thinner, then once she was done, she took off the gloves and compared them again...It was too big]

"AUGHHH!!" She yelled in anger

[she grabbed more packs of salmon and repeat, each time it was wrong,too big, too wide, too small, too thin, But then, Shinobu heard the door click and heard the voice she was dreading, she was trying to suprise him, she quickly took her gloves off and picked up her phone...8:31??!! She spent a whole day chopping salmon?! She akwardly looked over as Tomioka was in the doorway taking of his jacket and gloves, it was winter anyways, ]

"My love~" he called out

[She ran towards him and hugged him]

"Hi honey!!" She said

"Here, you go rest, inn the living room!! "

[She tried to push him into the living room ]

"Kocho," he said, stopping her

"Is there something I should know?" He asked suspiciously

[She panicked and ran towards the kitchen and hid behind the counter, he walked over into the kitchen and he paused, he was relieved, confused, and wanted to laugh his ass off, he thought it was something more worrisome, all he saw was 50 salmon packs, all cut thinly,big,widely]

"Shinobu?" He said

[She slowly peeked out her head from the counter, embarrassed, While Tomioka had a smile on his face]

"Whyd you think I'd be mad over this dear?" He asked

[She slowly got up wand walked from behind the counter]

"Because I messed up your favorite dish" she pointed to the salmon

[He walks towards her and hugged her]

"Don't worry, it's just food, I still love you" he said

[She smiled and hugged him back]

[Then she pulled away and opened the closet, and grabbed some instant ramens ]

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[Then she pulled away and opened the closet, and grabbed some instant ramens ]

"Which one?" She asked

[He pointed to the one she loves and then he saw her face lit up with excitement as she prepared it, then he left and changed his clothes, he came back and saw the kitchen sparkling]

"Woah, you clean fast" he said stunned

[she giggled and grabbed a tray and put the noodles on plates, drinks, and some leftover salmon, veggies and then she put extra salmon on Tomioka's, then she called him over to the couch ]

"You just gonna stand there!?"

[He laughed and walked towards her, then he sat down, and kissed her cheek,]

[Then they ate their noodles, Tomioka was a bit of a slow eater, or Shinobu was just a fast eater, but then she got up and put her plates away, then she walked back and held his cheeks]

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[Then they ate their noodles, Tomioka was a bit of a slow eater, or Shinobu was just a fast eater, but then she got up and put her plates away, then she walked back and held his cheeks]

[Then they ate their noodles, Tomioka was a bit of a slow eater, or Shinobu was just a fast eater, but then she got up and put her plates away, then she walked back and held his cheeks]

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[Then she kissed his cheek]

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