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Well... that was intense.

Why did I do this?

When you write fanfiction, taking your favorite characters, people, whatever... The idea of killing them off and seeing how people respond is definitely a challenge.

I wanted to 'test the waters' to see how I would feel about writing about Lucas dying, alongside other Stranger Things characters, to see how I feel about it, and how other people respond.

I gotta say, writing this, especially the final chapter, was VERY intense.

My heart was POUNDING when I wrote the words, "Max takes her knife and shoves it into Lucas' chest."

Is everyone gonna hate me now?


I understand that Caleb, and Lucas, are 'comfort people' to a lot of people, and that this may have upset you. If so, I'm sorry.

At least I didn't write Lucas extensively being held at gunpoint, punched repeatedly, have a glass vase bashed on his face, and then nearly strangled to death with the life clearly leaving him like SOME writers we know... I mean yeah Lucas survived that but STILL.

Is this the last time I kill off Lucas and/or a character I create for Caleb?

I'm gonna be honest... Probably not.


My goal as a writer, from these Wattpad fanfics, to original stories I actually wanna get published and sell, is to make you, the reader, FEEL something.

I like creating larger than life stories. Crazy, big, dangerous stories.

I LOVE Caleb McLaughlin.

What I'm doing with him is using Caleb, my favorite famous person in the world as, we'll call him an 'avatar' for these stories.

Peaceful ones and not so peaceful ones.

Is it weird I'm taking my so-called 'comfort person' and making stories where he's a character that DIES?


BUT... I'm using Caleb and putting him in these larger than life stories, stories I think Caleb deserves to be the face of, peaceful or not.

At the end of it all, if I took Caleb and made a good story with him as the main character, that's what matters, no matter how it ends.

I just wanna take Caleb and tell cool, interesting stories with him. 

I will say that plenty of my Caleb fanfic will be peaceful.

As a matter of fact, in December I'll be doing a fun, hopefully heartwarming Lumax Christmas story.

But yes, from a Halloween fanfiction with Caleb at the lead as an original character, to eventually a Final Destination one which I think I'm gonna do sooner than intended... I am gonna keep putting Caleb, as characters, through these life or death situations.

What happens, and how you respond...

We'll see.  

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