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NOTICE: For anybody reading this at any point in the future, this won't matter to you in the slightest, but for those here, now, in July 2023... The reason why I haven't uploaded any new chapters in a few days is due to having no power due to a severe thunderstorm. It was... not fun. It's also a shame because I likely would've been done with this by now. But, power's back, so, we're back at it.



Lucas ordered Dustin to walk in front of him, and didn't allow Dustin to have a knife or weapon of any kind. When asked why, Lucas said,

"Because I don't trust you to not stab me in the back first chance you get."

Dustin tried to counter, "Does it really look like I could beat you in a fight?"

But Lucas said, "No. But anybody can grab someone and shove their knife into their back when they aren't expecting it."

For the next few minutes, Lucas and Dustin walked throughout the woods, just wandering around, not really going anywhere or with a plan. Which led to Dustin turning around at Lucas and asking,

"So, what exactly is the plan?"

Lucas let out a deep, annoyed breath.

"Try not to die, Dustin. That's the plan."

Dustin nodded. He looked at Lucas and asked,

"Are you afraid to die?"

Lucas looked annoyed, "Is that really a good question to be asking right now?"

"I figured it's the BEST question to ask right now."

Lucas rolls his eyes, then says,

"Yeah, Dustin... I am afraid to die. But I figured, ever since my name got called... That if I'm gonna die here, at least I'll die fighting."

Dustin nodded, then looked down and looked sad all of a sudden, "At least you have a chance of going home. Look at me. I don't."

"Let's not talk about this, Dustin," Lucas asked.

Dustin shook his head, "I'm not afraid to die. Not anymore. Not after losing Suzie."

All of a sudden, Lucas stopped dead in his tracks. Dustin looked confused,


"Why should I be lugging you around if you're not afraid to die?" Lucas annoyingly asked.

Dustin didn't know what to say.


Lucas shook his head, "As a matter of fact, if you're not afraid to die..."

Lucas reached for his knife,

"Ok, ok!" Dustin put his hands up, "Ok, I'm still afraid to die! Ok!"

Lucas sneered, "I thought so."

Lucas then grabbed Dustin's shoulder and pushed him forward, "Now keep walking."

Dustin frowned as he walked forward, "You're mean."

Now Lucas looked REALLY annoyed, "Mean? Dude... I could actually KILL you right now. And I don't know if you won't try to kill me the first chance you get. I'm risking MY life to keep YOU alive. Any other tribute would've killed you the first chance they got."

Dustin looks back at Lucas again, "So, why didn't you? Why AREN'T you?"

Lucas takes a long breath, "I don't wanna kill you, Dustin. Doesn't sound very MEAN of me, does it?"

Lucas Sinclair: The Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now