Chapter 27: Bad News

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Harley and Casey sat on the couch in the living room. She was curled up next to him, lazily laying her head on his chest while he rubbed her arm affectionately. He let out a yawn and laid his head back tiredly.

"You gonna make it, baby? It's a little too early for you to be nodding off like that." She said just to tease him, giggling a little as she ran her hand in a circle on his chest.

"I'm just tired, babe, that's all. I haven't been sleeping too well lately." He said.

"Really? How come? I'm not keepin' ya up, am I?" Harley asked, lifting her head up to look at him.

"No no, not at all."

"Was I snoring?! 'Cause sometimes I get all congested and-"

"No, honey. I mean you were but that's not why," Casey clarified with a chuckle. "Nah, I just haven't really been able to get good rest. I've been getting these weird half-dreams and some anxiety." He explained.

"Oh, honey. It sounds like you're stressed," Harley diagnosed, sitting up a little and putting a hand on his cheek. "You gotta get more sleep. And relax some more." She recommended, patting her hand on his face.

"That's what I'm doing right now, Harley." He pointed out with a little smile.

"Touche. Do ya wanna go to bed early tonight?" She offered.

"Nah, I'll be alright. It's still a little too early. Just, uh, I'll put something on TV and fall asleep here." He decided, reaching over to grab the remote. He turned it on and started flipping through channels.

"Okay hun. You knowww, I can think of a few other things we can do since we're staying up." She teased him with a smile, putting both of her hands on his face and kissing him. He chuckled as he returned the kiss.

"Then I'll definitely fall asleep." He joked.

Harley laughed and continued to kiss him.

"Mm babe I can't see the TV." He pointed out with another chuckle.

"Eh, it rots your brain anyway." She joked in response.

Casey continued flipping through channels as he made out with Harley, wrapping his other arm around her. However, he passed over the news channel Gotham Tonight, and that's when they heard three words that caught Harley's attention immediately:

"...out of Arkham."

"Hm? Wait, babe. Go back. Go back." She quickly said, reaching for the remote.

"Hold on, love, I got it." Casey said, sitting up a little and going back to the news channel. Much to their dismay, it was bad news.

"...investigation has been opened to figure out the means of escape. But for now, authorities are encouraging all citizens of Gotham to exercise extra caution, and to call the number on your screen if you see any suspicious activity." The news anchor spoke above a terrifying headline:


"Oh my god," Harley's face dropped. She put a hand over her mouth and looked at Casey worriedly. "Mr. J's escaped again." She said.

"How? How did he get out? He hasn't even been in that long!" Casey wondered aloud, staring at the TV with a confused but also seriously concerned expression.

"I-I don't know! I...oh I'm gonna throw up." Harley groaned, standing up and beginning to pace around the living room while holding her stomach.

"Harley?" Casey stood up too, unsure of what to do. He'd never seen Harley this upset and afraid before.

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