Chapter 14: Dinner Date

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Harley had never seen such a distant look in Casey's eyes before.

He wasn't avoiding her like he had been before, but for the past two days, since the bank robbery, Casey was being uncharacteristically quiet. He expressed no desire to go out or do anything; he would just sit at home – eat, sleep, and watch TV on repeat.

Harley was laid up next to him on the couch, resting her head on his shoulder and holding his hand. She was looking up at him, watching him stare absently at the TV screen. From her perspective, it didn't even look like he was paying attention.

His mind was definitely somewhere else.

" know what I'm thinking?" She spoke up.

"Hmm? What's up?" He asked, looking down at her.

"We should have a date night!" She suggested enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah? Hmm...oh you must be bored, huh? Since we've just been here." Casey realized.

"A little, yeah. But I think that it would do ya some good to get out of the house! Plus, I can finally show off my dress!" Harley pointed out with a giggle. Casey chuckled at this.

"Yeah. I don't know any nice restaurants here though."

"Ooh, I know a place! It's Ivy's favorite restaurant! It's called the Green House!" She suggested.

"Of course it is," Casey commented with another little chuckle. "Yeah. I have some money saved up. I guess we can go." He agreed. He shut off the TV and stood up slowly, stretching his arms out.

"I can pay if you need to save up, baby!" Harley offered without hesitation.

"Really? You have money?" Casey asked. After asking the question, he realized how it sounded, and he proceeded to laugh at himself for saying it.

"Haha yes, I still have some money stored away from after the breakup." She answered.

"Got it...well...alright, maybe we'll split the bill." He agreed.

"Okay! Come on, let's go get ready! I wanna put the dress on already!" Harley urged him, giggling as she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards the stairs.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" Casey said as he followed her...

The two of them left the house in his car and Casey used his GPS to drive to the Green House. It was a nice little restaurant close to a nearby pier – it was a popular romantic spot for that reason. Casey leaned forward and looked up at the neon sign gently glowing above the double doors at the front of the building.

"Is this the place?" Casey asked.

"Yep! You're gonna love it here, baby!" Harley said with a smile as Casey parked the car.

He stepped out first wearing a full black suit with a long white shirt and a red bow tie. He fixed the cuffs of his shirt as he made his way around the car. He opened up the passenger door and held his hand out to Harley. She smiled and took it as she stepped out of the car.

She had on a short but elegant sparkly red dress with a small matching handbag. She wore black heels; she'd also painted her nails the same color. She put on red lipstick and black mascara with winged tips at the corners of her eyes. Finally, she curled her hair with a curling iron and parted it all over her left shoulder.

She wasn't exaggerating in the slightest when she said she wanted to show off for him.

"If I'd known you were gonna go all out like this, I would've agreed to a date night sooner." Casey joked, giving her a kiss on the cheek before closing the passenger side door and locking it with his key.

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