╔══Female Titan and Stohess Raid Arcs══╗

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A/n: This is a huge author note and some clarifications. Feel free to skip. 

A/n: Also, if you haven't read the manga or seen the anime but are, for some reason, reading this, spoilers for season 2 onwards.

So, we're at half the season, with more than 4000 (that's a lot) reads, and with more than 28000 words, I've made a story. 

Wow. I'm surprised you guys actually read all that. Now, there's a few things I want to cover, and feel free to share your thoughts too. 

First of all, I will check out the first chapters I wrote, since there were probably a lot of grammar errors and too much telling instead of showing.

Also, I may change the way I write dialogue and all of that, so instead of the usual

Y/n: Hey.

More like ""Hey", Y/n said". So you may see some sections written like that just to try it out. 

And maybe, maybe, a 6000+ word chapter was too much. I wanted to end the arc just so there wasn't a 2 chapter cooldown, which would've made this (kinda) the 3rd

I'm allowing Levi to be a bit ooc when he speaks with Y/n because of their connection. Not completely different, just a bit.

Now for the story, I have nothing planned until s2, which I have almost completely thought out, so I will take my time.

But don't worry, in these next arcs, there will be:

More of my pathetic attempts at making romantic scenes!

More of Thurner's Thurners !

More of Y/n inadvertently rizzing blondes!

Real Drama!

Real Action!

Real Bloodshed!

Along with my favorite ending of the anime!

Thank you for reading these 7 chapters. Hope you enjoy what's coming up.

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