Chapter 7: Crossroads

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A/n: Warning. Long chapter.

The battle had taken a heavy toll on humanity, but they had managed to secure a small victory. With the outer gate sealed, the titans were pushed back, and the surviving soldiers began the process of regrouping and tending to the wounded. 

Y/n had been spared from the duty, having fought in the battle. He now walked back to the inner gate, behind Rico and the remaining survivors. His body was covered in sweat and steaming titan blood. He felt his mind clearing after the heat of fight, and it was now filled with a mix of relief and sorrow.

Levi appeared from the city and landed on the wall. He approached Y/n, his expression unreadable as always. He glanced at the young soldier before speaking in his usual blunt tone.

Levi: Not bad, brat. You managed to hold your ground out there.

Y/n managed to give him a smile.

Y/n: Thank you, Levi.

Levi's gaze lingered on Y/n for a moment before he turned his attention to the surrounding chaos. His voice was slightly softer when he spoke again.

Levi: Kid, this victory came at a high cost. Many lives were lost today, and it's our duty to honor their sacrifice. Remember their faces, their names. They fought for humanity.

Y/n listened intently, Ian, Mitabi, Kazuki, Mina. He knew he would never forget their faces, etched into his memory forever. He was determined to make their sacrifice count, to ensure that their deaths were not in vain.

Y/n: I will. I'll carry their memory with me.

Levi nodded, satisfied with Y/n's response. He jumped away and began issuing orders to the scouts, organizing the recovery efforts and reinforcing the defenses.

He walked on the wall until they reached the inner gate, where they climbed down. He said goodbye to the four survivors and turned around. He had no idea where to go, or where was anyone, but he needed water. 

After asking around for a bit, he eventually grabbed hold of a bottle. He sat down on an alley, on the floor. There was no sign of any of his friends, but maybe they were assigned to another squad. 

He remained seated, meditating and recapitulating what had happened. His memories came back as if in tape. There were mistakes, miscalculations. It was clear he still had a lot to improve, but he was confident in himself, even if he almost died saving Krista. He had to up his game. 

However, he noticed something wrong. He set the bottle aside and closed his eyes. There was something that didn't make sense. 

He had to put all effort on remembering well what had happened. He jumped towards the girl, and he was launched towards the wall...

Legs first. He could remember his bones crushing, clear as day. It wasn't a concussion. He knew it had happened. But then, he looked at his limbs. They were only a bit sore. It was unsettling. He promised himself he'd speak with Levi, in case he wasn't just imagining it.

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