Promise me this... (An Ed Sheeran FanFiction)

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Within a few seconds I'm in the back seat of a stranger's commodore, fiddling with the sleeve of my jacket. The car smells of cigarette and I instantly regret climbing in, but what other option did I have?

'Where do you need to be?' Jake asks, turning the key in his ignition, waiting for a burst of life from the engine.

'Actually... I don't have any where to go,' silence as they both turn to look at me.

'You're homeless?' Ed queries.

'No, I have a home. In Australia...' Well this is awkward.

'You came to England on holiday and it slipped your mind to book a hotel?' Jake asks and i'm not sure whether he is frustrated or amused.

'My Mum's funeral, actually. I came here for my mum's funeral,' I don't notice the awkwardness anymore, just the overwhelming feeling of grief. Tears slide down my face and I swipe them away, I will not let these strangers see me cry.

The car slowly begins creeping forward, 'where are we going?' I say, panic gripping my heart. They know I'm weak now, they know I'm homeless, 'WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!'

Ed climbs over and into the back seat with me, carefully placing his arm around my shoulders, he smells like sweat and hairwax, but it smells good 'I don't have anywhere to stay, either. I usually sleep on somebodies couch but everyone seems to have a full house tonight.'

'Fancy that,' I say, his touch calming me. If he was going to hurt me he wouldn't be so nice right now. Right? 'So what are you going to do?'

'Same as you,' he says, 'hoping someone will pick me up off the side of the road and take me to a better place than I am right now.'

Jake glances at us in the rearview mirror, eyebrows raised in question. He clears his throat then straightens his brown v-neck t-shirt before turning his full attention back to the road.

'No, that is not happening again,' I say, 'twice in one night can't be good.'

'But that's the thing,' Ed says, a small smile turning at his lips, 'I doubt Jake will take us anywhere remotely nicer,' he winks at the driver.

'Okay, get out,' Jake says, pulling the car to a stop in front of a wooden cabin, 'Cafe alright? I'm sorry I can't take you anywhere “nice” but this is rated 4 stars and it's warm in there. Here's some money, buy the girl a drink, find somewhere else to stay if this isn't okay, but I have to get home.'

Promise me this... (An Ed Sheeran FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now