Chapter Twenty-One

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"It didn't work!" cried out Hogwarts, stamping a foot down in outraged emphasis. She puffed up her glowing cheeks as she watched the heads master stand in a sitting room with various ministry people. The sitting room was one of many within her walls. He should be gone. He should have gone running after the humiliation at breakfast.

Hogwarts had given him a week to pack and run because he was old and in charge of lots of things. The heads master couldn't just drop everything and run immediately. She had understood that after all the past heads masters and mistresses.

Her bestest friend shrugged from his floating seat beside her, pulling her attention from the room she had been looking into and back to the room her primary self stood. It was one of many empty classrooms. Mama Wena would be disappointed at the emptiness of Hogwarts. There should be so much more. Things didn't turn out how they were supposed, though. The situation of Albus Dumbledore was just more evidence of that fact.

"Headmasters can be stubborn. We just gotta be more stubborn." Peeves said as he tapped his jester hat in emphasis, reminding Hogwarts of how he had gotten it in the first place.

She slowly smiled, jaw set stubbornly. Hogwarts could be more stubborn than an old man. It would help if she had material though. Her switching doors out hadn't worked very well. There wasn't much else she could do that didn't immediately make a wizard question what was causing it. Moving an entire hallway was outside of students, or even most fully trained wizards or witches, ability. Not even the heads master had access to do that without Mama Wena's guidebook and the official room she had set up.

That meant she had to think outside of her domain. She had to be creative.

Hogwarts asked Peeves, "How do you get pranking material?"

"The kitchen gives me all the stale bread I want for throwing," said Peeves with a shrug before he thoughtfully tapped his chin. "The stink bombs are from deals with students. I just gotta get a student in a position to be needing such a deal. It's got to be one of them third years or older, though. They're the only ones allowed to go to the village."

Silver eyes lit up in excitement. She had forgotten about the village. "My papas will buy me pranking things!"

Peeves made a disagreeing sound at her claim. Hogwarts flashed her bestest friend a narrowed-eyed frown. Her papas would buy her pranking stuff. She just knew they would.

The distant-sounding voice of the heads master caught her attention before she could admonish the poltergeist. She shifted her attention from her bestest friend to the room all the way down on the first floor.

"He was fighting someone." Albus Dumbledore decided out loud.

"Appears that way," agreed one of the ministry people. (Hogwarts didn't recognize the woman. She must not have gone here for her schooling.)

Hogwarts focused her attention on a different view of the room so she could see what Albus Dumbledore was looking at. He had his wand pointed at another wand and some type of magic was floating out from the secondary wand. It looked vaguely like a shield. (She recalled him casting a spell at the secondary wand which had pulled the floating shield out of the secondary wand. Hogwarts hadn't been paying close attention but she was aware. She knew about most things that happened within her walls, she just usually didn't care.)

Another ministry person snorted in disgust. (Hogwarts was pretty sure this one was a Ravenclaw from the 1976 graduating class.) At the heads master's sharp look, the Ravenclaw said in disdain, "That's only a protego charm, sir. You don't have to be fighting someone to want to use a basic shield charm!"

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