Chapter Two

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Uncle Vernon cursed as he smacked a mallet into a wooden spike. Salazar watched his efforts in amusement through the window as he waited for the cupcakes to cool. Dudley's sixth birthday had finally come. With it, someone had gotten a strange idea that Dudley liked the outdoors.

Salazar wasn't certain if it was Aunt Petunia or Uncle Vernon who thought Dudley would actually like being a scout. He knew how rubbish the idea was. Dudley didn't do anything outside if he didn't have to. (He didn't do anything at all if he could help it.)

They should have learned with the rollerskates.

"What is taking so long?" demanded his aunt as she snooped over his shoulder to the cooling cupcakes, "Those should have been done ages ago."

Green eyes rolled and words spilled out before he could control himself (something that had become more and more an issue of late.) "Perhaps you should have done the laundry then."

" Excuse me ?" she snapped.

The doorbell rang before anything else could be said. Salazar and his aunt looked towards the front door and then at each other. She grimaced as she realized she would have to ice the cupcakes. "Out and don't be back until sundown."

Salazar paused, having expected orders to his room. "What?"

"You heard me. Go to the park or something." She sniffed, taking the piping bag from him. "Arabella couldn't watch you today."

"She sick?"

The doorbell rang again. Aunt Petunia waved him out towards the back door. "Yes. Now out, out."

He stepped into the backyard, feeling odd. Five-year-olds weren't allowed free reign of an entire neighborhood outside of trekking to school and back anymore. Not that he was complaining, he could go to the park or wander the neighborhood to find other places.—There was a library around somewhere.—It was just strange but then, ever since he had turned his teacher's wig blue, his relatives had distanced themselves. They had always preferred him either busy, locked away, or gone from the property entirely. The latter was becoming more common.

Salazar watched Uncle Vernon hoist the last rope and a round canvas tent took up the back garden. Vernon grinned up at the pointed top. "Now this is a proper bell tent, boy!" He rubbed his hands together gleefully. "Dudders will be the envy of the beaver scouts in no time."

Salazar just shook his head and left. Uncle didn't notice, too pleased with the tent Dudley wouldn't use. He had a free day and he wasn't going to spend another afternoon trying to understand his relatives or speculate on how much magic must have changed or what to do about the enchantment around Privet Drive. No, an afternoon without his cousin and aunt, with no obligations and no heavy thoughts, was just what he needed.

The young reincarnate ignored the odd looks received from the few adults he passed down Privet Drive to Wisteria Walk. Just a few houses past Mrs. Figg's was a shortcut through the neighborhood to the park. Being amongst nature sounded pleasant.

Omorose strolled over to him as he passed through the alley onto Mongolia Crescent. A line of four kittens followed her.

Salazar raised a brow at his cat. "So this is why you've been demanding snacks?"

The kneazle flicked her lion tail at him and mewled.

"They're not Mr. Tibbles's, are they?" Salazar asked, resigned. He received a yowl in response which told him nothing. The Hogwarts founder ended up picking up the various kittens, one looked like a miniature Mr. Tibbles, and placed them in his oversized jacket. "They have to be given to Mrs. Figg, you realize? She'll find homes for the lot."

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