Chapter 7 - It's Free Real Estate

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Chapter 7 – It's Free Real Estate

The sun had barely risen on this side of the Green Morgue, the sky was a mix of the black and blue of the night before and the yellow of dawn, but that didn't matter to me, as it was time to get on with my daily routine that I've been following for a few days now.

I put on my armor and strapped Laenae's crib to my body, grabbed my weapons and prepared to leave my hut...


Just to bang my head on the doorframe... Wait a minute! This never happened before! And, my armor felt tighter.

I left the shack and crossing the dirt road, I observed my reflection in the window of another shack. Who would know? My ork biology is working, because to my surprise I was getting bigger.

An ork Boy is approximately eight feet tall, if he doesn't fix his hunchback I was approximately eight feet and a bit more, about the size of a Nob. Well, the bigger the fight the bigger the growth and the fight against the boar sure wasn't easy.

However, it wasn't just my height that changed. Have you ever heard the joke that no one has ever seen a gorilla at its full strength because it doesn't know how to train? Well, what would happen if an ork trained?

The answer is in front of me. The armor was tightening my muscles, highlighting them and showing off every contour.

Defined abs with six-pack forming, giving the impression that it could take Bolter shots without problem. I finally lost my Bad Moon belly.

Broad, strong shoulders looking like they could carry tons.

Arms the size of tree trunks with muscles that flexed with every movement, looking like they could crush anything in front of me.

I also had a noticeable change in my face, my remaining eye glowed a brighter red next to my Gitfinda, my teeth were bigger, whiter and more pointed and my jaw was becoming perfectly defined.

I was one-step closer to becoming the Giga Ork.

I got out of my posing session with the call of two Grots.


Leaving one of the shacks next to mine, Dobby and Gulg ran towards me, using their equipment and Gulg carrying the ammo pack.

The Grots had changed as well, their lean physique was slowly disappearing and they started to gain some muscle, leaving behind their hunched posture, the bulging belly that the Grots displayed fading too.

"You two are awake. Excellent! Ready to go?" I said as I turned around and smiled at the two of them.

"Yes boss!" Both responded.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go, you Gits!"

Wasting no time, we started our morning jog, leaving the outskirts of the city, passing through several districts and streets, on the way, we passed the bazaar and there I saw Grots setting up their stalls and preparing to sell their wares.

Nevertheless, these Grots stood out from the others, each of them was well equipped, wore a yellow shirt and carried a Slugga, after all these Grots worked for me.

Once the tents were set up, a small flag unfurled at the top, this flag showed the Bad Moon clan symbol and my name written underneath. I need to promote my brand somehow.

As we ran, we passed orks going about their daily business, merchants opening their shops, hunters going to the guild, guards going to the walls, everyone giving us strange looks or muttering insults as we passed.

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