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allaboutkpop: a mysterious girl with a remarkable red copper hair saved jacob of the boyz from sasaeng fans on his way back to the company.

kwavelatest: jacob of the boyz attacked by sasaengs and was saved by an unknown girl, who is suspected to be a fan.

comments section:

"omo! is jacob okay??"

"what the hell?! where are his managers?! why is he alone?!"

"attacked?! did they hurt him? please tell me he's okay ╥╥"

"whoever that girl is. thank you for saving jacob! you're an angel!"

"who's the girl??"

the boyzzies
10 members online

sangyeon: where's jacob?! I heard what happened. is he okay?!

eric: you guys. twitter is blowing up! deobis are worried for jacob hyung.

sangyeon: I'm as worried as them. now tell me what happened?!

hyunjae: he said he's going out to get some iced coffee. but it's been an hour and he's still not back. we are worried too. we tried calling him but he's not answering his phone. then we saw the news broke online.

sangyeon: what?! why didn't you guys call me?! my photoshoot just ended and the first thing I saw online is jacob was attacked by sasaengs?! I was only gone for two hours!

chanhee: hyung, calm down.

sangyeon: how am I supposed to calm  down with that information?!

changmin: manager hyung told us not to tell you so you can focus on your photoshoot.

younghoon: and he said they will find him. we wanted to come along but he said we should just stay inside the company for our safety.

kevin: guys.. I just talked to him. he finally answered his phone.

sangyeon: what did he say??

kevin: he said he's with manager hyung and they're on their way back here.

sangyeon: okay. thank goodness.

kevin: he said he's safe and unharmed because he was saved by a girl.

younghoon: a girl? who?

kevin: no idea.

eric: I know who.

changmin: of course you do.

sunwoo: well tell us!

eric: the girl is named Red. that's what netizens called her by the way. maybe because she has red copper hair.

chanhee: she looks sketchy to me.

haknyeon: I was gonna say that too.

sunwoo: whoever this girl is.. I don't trust her, even if he saved jacob hyung.

chanhee: same.

juyeon: aren't you guys being a little too judgmental?

younghoon: yeah. we should be thanking her for saving jacob.

chanhee: please. the girl literally just appeared out of nowhere and saved jacob hyung. how did she even knew he was there?

sunwoo: exactly! she probably has connections with those sasaengs who tried to hurt jacob hyung. like no shit. this is probably all staged.

sangyeon: hey language.

sunwoo: sorry hyung.

haknyeon: it's not that I'm judging her but it's kind of suspicious to see her just coming out of the blue to save jacob hyung. that can't be a coincidence.

sangyeon: you guys have a point. but let's not be quick in judging the situation. let's wait for jacob. he knows what really happened.

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