I had to be purple, so she could be pink.

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I had to be purple, so she could be pink.

Many stories have been told and experiences shared.

But what's more hurtful than finding an unrequited friendship?

One who has to give more than she receives

To give way is a form of love—that's what she believes.

Don't they deserve to be given the same love as other friends receive?

Do people ever take time to think about those backup friends—the one who walks behind the two best friends, the one a person calls when their main friend is not around, the one who says they're fine or doesn't say anything at all?

Do you ever wonder how it feels to be like them? What's going on in their minds? How are their hearts? Are they really okay, or are they just used to it?

Because I do...

To be the backup friend or to have no friends at all?

No one ever told me that it was actually possible to be the side character of your own story.

In friendships, I've always experienced it... to be the best friend and not the main protagonist—the supporting character.

No one dared to share the point of view of the girl who stays behind the limelight.

the one who always has to run to the clinic when the protagonist comes down with a sickness,

the girl who fixes her best friend's long gowns as she wears her cocktail dress,

the one who claps among the audience when their best friend wins awards when she herself also deserves to be given one,

the one who gets the other drink so her best friend can try both,

the one who had to be Midge so her best friend can be Barbie,

the one who had to like purple because her best friend likes pink...

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