Ch 7: Stronger

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Shiro POV

Yesterday was pretty interesting. I've never had the chance to just do things for fun, even after leaving the White Room. Even though I had been technically free for a long time, it did not feel like it. "That man" was always a looming presence that we had to be concerned about. Knowing that he would send his goons after us and irregular intervals left me excessively paranoid. We encounter one of his "Agents" 4 to 5 times a year. They were all pretty weak and easy to deal with so I wonder why 'That man' even bothered wasting resources trying to get us. Everything I know about him suggests that he would just let the failures be and continue chasing his ambition.

The only answer I can think of is that he still wanted Kiyotaka. I'm sure it's not for any sentimental reasons so it's probably his immense potential that he needed. I don't know how but having Kiyotaka in the White Room must dramatically accelerate his plans. Kiyotaka truly is a magnet for trouble.

I'm currently making my way to class. I can't believe there was a time when I was excited to go to school for the first time. The experience was incredibly monotonous. First, I had to wake up way too early. Second, the classes were not very stimulating. Finally, I had to pretend to pay attention or our class would lose points.

As I walked into the elevator I saw a familiar face. I marked her as a person of interest after our first interaction. The way she elegantly swerved through conversations led me to think she knew more than she was letting on. She had a way of deflecting questions without being rude, and she always seemed to have an answer, even if it was just a vague one. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking, and what secrets she was keeping.

Matsushita: " Hello Tatsunagi-kun."

Shiro: " Hey Matsushita, looks like we're both running late today."

Matsushita: " Yeah, Had trouble waking up today. What about you? I thought a class A student would be more punctual."

Shiro: " That's the case for most in my class. I, for one, believe they are all too formal."

Matsushita: " It can't be any worse than the riff-raff in my class."

Shiro: " Oh, what did the so-called riff-raff do to earn your scorn?"

Matsushita: " All they had been nothing but disrespectful and disruptive. Every day, they would talk, text, and pass notes during class. Half the boys in the class are perverts and the girls have a brand new drama every week. Not to menti-"

Shiro: " Stop, I get it, I don't envy you."

Matsushita: " I swear I'll do anything to get away from the defective idiots."

Shiro: " Defective idiots? It's almost like you speak like you're above them."

Matsushita: " Surely you cannot believe that I am worse than the boys who read doujinshi in class." What's a doujinshi? Eh, I'm not going to bother asking. I can look it up later.

Shiro: " Let me ask you this, Do you think you're qualified to be in class A?"

Matsushita: "Well yes I do, Academically I'm far above most other students, and although I may not be the most athletic person I'm definitely not out of shape. If you add that to my communication skills I deserve to be evaluated higher."

Shiro: " Ah, there it is."

Matsushita: " Huh? What are you talking about?'

Shiro: " There's the reason you're in class D."

Matsushita: " I still don't understand."

Shiro: " During every interaction we had thus far you've been extremely purposeful in your word choice. That's why something you said earlier caught my attention, you said I DESERVE to be evaluated higher."

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