Ch 2: New Environment

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Shiro POV

Walking into class A I took my seat in the front near the window. I looked around the classroom. This class appears to be filled with well-mannered students. Noticing some of the girls looking at me with heart eyes while a few guys were glaring at me.

I quickly took out a book I had prepared in my bag. People tend not to bother someone when they're reading. As I pretended to read I started listening to my classmates. One blonde guy was talking to everyone, likely a social butterfly.

Interrupting my snooping, a short girl with lilac hair approached me. She was walking with a cane, was she disabled? I feel like I've seen her before. Oh, She was the girl with the chairman when I contacted him about us attending this school. If I remember correctly Chairman Sakayanagi said he has a daughter named Arisu, this must be her.

Arisu: "Hello Shiro-kun, you remember me I hope."

Shiro: "You must be the chairman's daughter, Arisu right?"

Arisu: "Yes you're correct. I'm glad we are in the same class Shiro-kun."

Shiro: "Likewise, but if you don't mind me asking why are you talking to me?"

Arisu: "Do I need a reason to talk to a friend?"

Shiro: "No but I sense you have an ulterior motive, am I right?"

Arisu: "Fufufu as expected of somebody of your caliber. I wanted to know if I could have some of your time after class."

Shiro: "I promised to meet my friends after class."

Arisu: "Don't worry, I don't plan to take up too much of your time. I promise I'll make it worth your while~" After she said that a few students listening to her started blushing. There was probably some subtext that I wasn't picking up.

Shiro: "Well then ok, I'm free to talk."

After that interesting interaction, our teacher walked into the classroom and started explaining the rules and systems of the school. Our class seems to be discussing why they received such an immense amount of money. What I found interesting was the information about the S-System that matched up with what I researched before entering this school.

Before attending the school I had done extensive research on ANHS. What I found most fascinating was the lack of information I could find on the surface. It seems the government wants to keep the inner workings of this place secret. They removed posts about the student experience at this school. I even had a hard time finding out about the previous student body. I eventually found a person who was previously expelled from this school and paid him for the information.

Everything I learned seemed to be correct. I wonder why the school didn't mention class points and special exams. Was this a test? Most likely but I couldn't be sure. Either way, this info will come in useful. I doubt most of the 1st years will have the knowledge or foresight to start preparing for the trials the school will undoubtedly throw at us.

After class was concluded I met Arisu in a secluded area.

Shiro: "So what is the purpose of this meeting?"

Arisu: "Straight to the point, huh? Well, I suppose it's okay since you have a meeting planned with the other two survivors."

Shiro: "Other two survivors? So you know about *That place*." There was no use playing coy. I had already expected her to know about us. How much she knew was another question, I had to figure that out.

Arisu: " I'll explain that shortly, but that's not what I would like to discuss at the moment."

She tapped her cane on the floor and looked me in the eyes.

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