Just a normal teenager

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*Female narrating*

The ocean. A mysterious underwater world full of life and secrets. But the humans only know half of it's story, some claimed that there were once a civilize kingdoms that sunk beneath the ocean... Well they're sort of half of that right. As you can see there are many un-explore places the ocean has kept in the depths and it's unknown dangers, for instants take the kraken. A ginormous monstrous octopus, sinker of ships, devourer of sailors. Where are you even getting these from? (Laughing) and that's what they want you to think. In reality, krakens are majestic and noble creatures, protectors of the depths. But they aren't the only protectors of the ocean and that's what you're about to see. Has already begun.

*The camera resurface from the water as something flew by it with incredible speed.*

The camera reveals a large cyan creature that looks like a mix between a flying fish and a dragon with scaly wings as it was flying above the ocean surface with tremendous speed. But it wasn't just that, there was also a person riding on it as it was it's rider.

The rider was wearing a jumpsuit and also wearing a helmet that cover up his whole face so the wind doesn't hit his eyes. Soon him and the creature were passing through a pod of whales as they were jumping through the waters, the rider guided his flying creature to go under a whale while it jumped through the air and succeeded as they now started to fly up into the sky and flow through the cloud, doing a little drill spin before stopping and free fall down a few feat before flying above the clouds. The rider got a good look on the open sky and saw a few flocks of birds flying above the clouds as well.

What do you say bud, you want to give this another shot? The rider asked his creature friend as it lets out an annoying grumble.

Bob it'll be fine *detached the safety line off of himself* okay ready? *The creature known as bob stood still as the rider tilts over and falls off of it while screaming. Soon bob follows it's rider down, the two were free falling and looked at each other as he stick his tongue while it flopping by the wind.*

The two swirl together before the sound of press snap were made from the suit as it flares a pair of wings, it reveal the rider was actually wearing a wing suit. Both the rider and the creature were now flying through the clouds together "whoooaaaa hahaha! Woooohoooo!" The rider seems to be enjoying as bob began to shoot out small burst of fire blast as it gives him more time on the air.

This is amamzing...! *But unfortunately he failed to see the tall rock column right in front of him* not amazing! Bob help! The rider shouted as bob quickly lets out a bolt of fire on the rock column as the force pushes the rider to the left as the creature grabbed him. As the two began falling through the tree as they slow down their falling before crashing into the ground. Ugh... *The rider groan after the crash as bob opens his wings letting him go and gets up.* Wooo... That really came out a nowhere *suddenly the rock column began to crumble as the two watches as it fall down into the water, moment after the rider began to fold back the wings onto his torso and hip as bob growls* we got to work on that solo glide of yours bud the rider said as he removes his helmet and flips his hair revealing who he his.

He has tanned bronze skin and golden ember eyes, he has long black wavy hair. This sixteen year old teenage boy's name is Patrick.

As he was brushing his hair back with his hand, he walks over to the cliff getting a nice view of the town he lives, seaside town. Oceanside California. Huh, well this is a nice looking view now is it? Patrick said bob looks as his human rider before he throws at him a rock pebble with his tail hitting him on the back of his head which gain his attention as Patrick saw the pouty face that bob is making and turned away "oh what do you want an apology? Is that why you're pouting big baby boo?" Patrick said as bob lets out a mocking growl "well try this on! *Patrick latch onto his flying creature's neck* ahh! Ya feeling it yet? Huh? Picking it up on all of my heart felt remorse? *Patrick hangs on to bob's body as the dragon stands on it's hind legs and walks right over the edge* oh come on come on you wouldn't hurt a bestest friend-- DAH! *He hangs onto bob tightly after looking down on the cliff as the dragon laughs* ohh your right your right you win *bob fell backwards and began playing with his rider* (laughing) oh! He's down! And it's ugly! *Bob gently patted on Patrick like a cat would do with their toys* Sea monsters and humans enemies again! Locked in combat to the bitter end-- *bob flops on top of Patrick* (groaning...) *The dragon started licking his friend like a dog* Ugh! You know this doesn't wash off Patrick said he tries to wipe of the drool off his suit and flings some of the saliva onto bob until they hear a loud horn blowing from a distance. (Sigh) great, looks like mom is calling us back *hops back on his friend* come on bud lets go Patrick said as they fly back to where they came.

Ruby Gillman Teenage kraken (Re-vision) (the four kingdoms)Where stories live. Discover now