Down to the Chamber, we go

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"Rigel" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 1:Down to the Chamber, we go


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

12½-year-old Harry James Potter, the Boy Who Lived, had once again found himself in an all too familiar circumstance.  Harry is in his 2nd year of studies at a prestigious magical school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That made him believe what people had told him. Unknown to him a change started happening within his subconscious, as his mind began to take the full scope of things. It had been a good start to the year however the 2nd week in the chamber of secrets had been opened. Day after day,  Harry was yelled at, accused of attacking the students, and harassed by fellow students and their families all because they believed him to be the Heir of Slytherin. When the word of the Chamber of Secrets opening got out students and professors alike had found him at the petrified spots before he could get leave. Harry later cursed the incredibly bad luck that seemed to haunt him his entire life, he was repeatedly blamed for all the happenings, and when he vehemently denied them, and asked professors for support and help. However, as usual, when it comes to adults he got no help as usual he was silenced and brushed off.

Slowly surely nearly everyone began to distance themselves from him out of fear of the same treatment. The only ones who stuck with him were his two best and first friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. However, when the 3rd attack happened Ron his supposed best mate also abandons him leaving him only with Hermione for support. Not long after the betrayal of Ron Harry had been cornered by the Weasley twin who apologized for their git younger brother's behavior. Harry of course except the twins apologizes and told them it was ok. The twins then told Harry that they believed him and will do their best to have his back. They talked a bit before going their separate ways Harry to find Hermione and the Twins who were going to Hogsmade. Like the twins said they had Harry's back as on multiple occasions the twins try their best to be there for Harry when they could. Which was hard as they were a few years above and couldn't always be around him. They did however tend to prank those who would assault and harass Harry. Other things they did for him was they gave him a map that tells him where everyone is so he could see where everyone is. This way he can avoid them another thing they did was show him the tunnel which had a crack in the wall that lead to a cave-like room where they invent their pranks, store their products, and hold onto items they smuggle into Hogwarts for others who pay them. It has been over this past school year that Harry secretly bonded with the twins he has grown so close with them that he actually talked with them about things he never even told Hermione or Ronald after they swore to him that they never tell anyone willingly. 

It was also through their talks Harry found out that Gryffindor wasn't the first choice in the house for the twins. The hat apparently wanted to put them in Slytherin just like it did him. Harry told them that the hat said he got a bit of all house traits but it apparently thought Harry do best in Slytherin in the end. He then told him how he asked for the hat for not Slytherin, he told them each of his reasons at the time as to why he would have excepted anywhere but Slytherin in the end he ended up in Gryffindor. He told them looking back now he sometimes wonders if he made a mistake and he was thinking of actually switching out. The twins asked why he stayed and told them honestly that he mainly stayed in Gryffindor because he didn't want to lose the friends he had. The twins support him saying that if he chooses to transfer houses no matter the house he ends up in he always be their brother in all but blood. Which made Harry happy. Throughout the year, the three have grown a close secret bond one that feels stronger than the one he and Ron had.

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