f o u r

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A/N: so i was reading the last chapter and i realized i said lily instead of ellie, quick conformation the girls name is ELLIE sorry for the mix up i was reading a fic with a girl named lily in it before...whoops

The Meeting


"We should get on our way to the staff meeting." He said leading me out the door into the night.

It was a cool, crisp night. The moon was full yet the only thing I could focus on was Niall.

The light that shined down on him perfectly outlined his facial features. Blue eyes flashed up, causing me to stop looking at him.

"What were you looking at?" His eyes fixated on me.

"I-um" How was I supposed to respond? Oh you know casually been staring at you and your perfect face. "The moon, it is very beautiful tonight." That wasn't a terrible lie I guess.

"Oh" He showed no emotion, just continued to look at his shoes.

We had only been walking for maybe 5 minutes. We talked the rest of time, it was ranging from why I was here to Nialls love of football. I actually quite liked it. I liked spending time with Niall, he seemed like a fun, carefree kinda guy. I needed a fun, carefree kinda guy in my life.

"We're here" He said as we approached what looked to be like a common area, or maybe a office.

I nodded my head, still looking at the ground.

We entered the building where we found tons more people. Niall and I walked to the opposite side of the room where we found Sophia, Chris, Emma, and Harry.

Harry flashed me a cheeky smile and waved at me. All the rest stared, showing no sign that they even saw me.

"Hey Niall! Hey Ellie!" Harry practically screamed.

"Hi Harry" Niall and I both said very weakly.

Niall and his friends talked while we waited for the meeting to start. It seemed to me that all they talked about was football and the derby (whatever that was). I had no knowledge of this topic considering that I live in America and play no sports, much less watch them.

Niall and his friends continued to talk until a short, kinda chubby man entered the room.

"Hello everbody" The man spoke with extreme enthusiasm. "My name is Jim. Most people call me Jimbo though"

Tacky nickname, I though to myself.

"Welcome everybody to the one and only Camp Crush" We all cheered and shouted. It was quite odd, but I enjoyed it. "So as all of you know this is the staff meeting, so we only have to go over a couple rules."

"First off, no phones out while you are with you campers. I think that one is pretty obvious."

"Secondly, no curse words. This sets a bad example for your campers."

"Thirdly, not only your campers but you have to be in your cabins by curfew. Curfew is 10:30 so this shouldn't be too hard."

"Lastly, no dating or romatic realationships should go on between conseulors." He finished.

The rules shouldn't be too hard to follow, considering I barely ever curse, I usually go to bed at 9:30, and I am a walking boy repellent.

I took a look around the room, there was probably half as many guys as there were girls. There weren't any cute guys- well except for niall. I metally slapped myself.

I cannot begin to even think a guy is cute. Then I just fall into thinking he is charming, witty, clever. That inevitably leads me into liking him. Which cannot happen.

"All right for the rest of the days campers come we will just be doing training" Jim continued. I decided that I would rather not call him Jimbo. "Alright until 10:30 the night is yours!"

Niall approached me, he walked kind of funny. His athletic shorts exposed his knee which had a scar going down it. Huh. I wonder what that was from.

"Alright, what do you want to do?" He questioned me. "We could go to the beach, maybe go into the trails in the wood and take a walk, or we could just go back to our cabins.'

I thought for a moment. Walking in the woods? Eh, it's like 7:30 and there would be a lot of bugs. Going back to our cabins? I would have nothing to do. The beach it was. "Um, the beach sounds good."

"Okay sounds good" He gave me a goofy smile. "Just go back to your cabin and get your swim suit."

Crap I didn't realize that we had to swim.

"Alright. I will be right back" I turned around and quickly walked back to my cabin and grabbed my swimsuit.

I am suddenly starting to realize this might not be the best idea.

A/N: ooooh niall and ellie. im so excited to write the next chapter!!! it's is probably going to be on the longer side because i have lots of stuff that is going to revealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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