t h r e e

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I sat on my bed for the remainder of the time until we were to head down to dinner.

The cabins were nice. They were large 6-8 people fit into each room without it being too squished. The beds were bunk beds but they were nice also.

Quickly the fifteen minutes was up and I was supposed to be heading down to dinner.

Slowly I lifted myself from bed and walked to the door. I looked back longingly to my bottom bunk. Oh how I hated social interaction.

As soon as I made it out of the large building I realized I had absolutely no idea were the dining hall was. I looked around for someone that I saw in my room, preferably the blonde one.

I scanned through the crowd, not catching anyone that I had seen before. I sighed and just decided it would be best to follow somebody random.

"Hello" I jumped and let out a scream. I turned around only to see bright blue eyes staring back into mine.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" He let out a light chuckle. "Um, remember me? Niall? I showed you around."

"I do, you realize that was only an hour ago right?" I gave him questionable look.

"Yep! I just didn't know if you had short-term memory or something like that" He said looking a bit embarrassed.

I looked down at my feet. Yet another awkward conversation I have to endure. I thought to myself.

Niall had bright blue eyes- I have mentioned before because they are very beautiful, I must admit. He had blonde hair, I could tell it wasn't natural though, the roots of his hair were brown. He had a skinny build. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, athletic shorts, and a black snapback. He was carrying a backpack with a army style print on it.

I was the perfect contrast to him as I had brown hair and green eyes.

We continued along the path in silence, I was perfectly content with this mostly because it meant I didn't have to have another conversation.

The path came to a stop at a long narrow building. A sign was placed right outside of it reading: Dining Hall.

"Alright, we made it" Niall looked at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"I was starting to think we never would" I smile formed on my mouth. I don't know what it was from.

We walked into the building. It smelt of sloppy joes.

Sloppy Joes? Looks like I won't be eating much tonight. I thought to myself.

"Sloppy Joes! My favorite!" Niall smiled. "Actually I don't have a favorite food, I love all food."

I gave him a weak smile. I was a very picky eater. I ate what I like and only what I like. I suspect that is going to be very hard here.

Niall and I made our way through the line. He got every single kind of food that was offered, while I only got watermelon, a bread roll, and a little bit of salad. We made out way through the room before stopping at a table.

The table had four other people sitting around it. Niall looked back over and me before sitting down. I stayed standing until I felt a hand grip around my wrist, I looked down only to see Niall staring back up at me. He gently tugged on my arm bringing me to sit down on the seat next to his.

"Ellie this is Sophia" He gestured to a blonde. "Chris" A red head waved at me. "Emma" A smile flashed across the other blondes face. "And Harry" A boy with bright green eyes looked up from his meal waving at me like a lunatic. "Guys this is Ellie" They greeted me and asked me lots of questions much to my dismay.

After it felt like hours of talking I finally got to eat my food. It was alright, but definitely not amazing. Niall and his friends were scarfing down their food as I slowly picked at mine.

Chris, Sophia, Emma, Harry, and Niall had all finished their food. Everyone except for Niall said they had to go do something or another, leaving us alone.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful, we didn't really talk. I slowly ate my food, sometimes catching Niall sneaking glances at me.

As I finished eating I looked up to find Niall still there. I was expecting him to leave unannounced or something like that.

"You have really pretty eyes" He said, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I looked down at my shoes.

I always liked it when a guy said pretty. It doesn't seem like they are trying to do anything, it just seems as though they genuinely think that something is pretty.

"Uh, well t-thanks" Crap why did I have to stutter. I tried to hide my embarrassment with a smile, failing dramatically.

He smiled back at me. "We should get on our way to the staff meeting." He said leading me out the door into the night.

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