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New Friends


I started walking not really knowing where I was going. It was truly beautiful here. There we so many trees, the grass was perfectly cut, it even smelt nice.

I looked around to see if I could find a map of some sort. When it became evident that there was not one around I decided that I could ask somebody- even though I really hate asking.

I saw a blonde who seemed to be not doing anything. I quickly walked to him dragging around my enormous, which slowed me down greatly.

As soon as I reached him I tapped his shoulder. He turned around, reveling the most beautiful blue eyes. I felt like they could see right into me, like I couldn't hide anything.

"Uhm, Did you need anything." His voice made me snap out of my daze. He had an accent, a irish accent. His voice was sweet, it made me feel like I shouldn't be afraid talking to him, but I am.

"uh..uh..I-I need," I stuttered. "D-do you know where the counselors are staying?" My voice was shaky, I hated it.

"Yeah! Female counselors will be staying in." He dragged out 'in' while he took out what looked to be like a map from his pocket. "Happy Hallow." He gave me a small smile.

"And do you know where that is?" I asked, hoping that he did.

"Of course! I can just walk you there." He smiled again. I noticed that he had braces. They looked kind of cute on him. "I never caught your name, uh, what is it?"

"Ellie." I told him, looking down at my feet. "Uh, what's yours?" I could hear how nervous I was in my voice.

"I'm Niall."

What a odd name, I thought. Odd, but it has a nice ring to it.

"So, Ellie. Where are you from." I hate talking to people, but I hate small talk the worst.

I didn't really know how to respond. I moved around a lot because of my mom's job.

"I'm originally from Washington, but I don't live there anymore." He nodded his head.

"I'm from Mullingar." I confused look painted across my face. He noticed and added, "Ireland."

"Well that would explain the accent." He smiled, a cute little smile and looked down at his shoes.

We continued along a dirt path until we arrived at a somewhat large building. It was made from log and had two large double doors that led into the building.

"Here ya go, Happy Hallow." Niall said, gesturing to the door.

"Thanks for walking me up here." I smiled, I didn't really smile too so this was different.

"No problem, Ellie. See ya around." He said before turning and walking back down the dirt path that we had just been on.

The building was organized to that there were 4 different room within it. I looked down at a piece of paper that was given to me when I arrived.

"2C." I muttered to myself.

I went up and down the halls and until I finally reached a room that was entitled '2C'. I stopped and opened the large wood door, only to find 3 girls already settling in.

I walked over to one of the best and started put all my stuff on the bottom bunk. I first put the fitted sheet and wrapped it around the corner of the mattress. I set my sleeping bag down on the newly made bed.

I didn't want to bring a comforter and sheets, mostly because I hated making my bed. But also because I thought hey it's camp I came here to get away from doing things I do not want to.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder and I quickly turned around to see a blonde girl. Her hair was cut to about her shoulders and she wearing a tie dye shirt with athletic shorts. I laughed in my head, almost the same outfit as me.

"Hi. Uh, I'm Taylor. I was wondering if I could have the top bed of this bunk." She pointed. I nodded my head and sat down on my sleeping bag.

A brunette with long dark brown hair entered the room. She pulled a chair out and stood on top of it.

"Hello counselors!" She was very perky, perky people annoy me. "We will be having a staff meeting tonight at 6. Just go there straight after dinner."

I sighed. Dinner was in 15 minutes.

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