Chapter 2: First Steps

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Magnus: At the moment of starting this chapter, the Druid had won by just a slight margin, so, we are having Druid Izuku!

Disclaimer: Oddly enough, Druid was one of the concepts I had toyed with while planning this fic, so I guess it was a good thing that class won when it did.

Edit: This chapter was Beta'ed by Vandenbz

Chapter 2

The first steps

When Izuku regained his ability to see, the first thing that filled his vision was the sight of a rural town; carts with different items were being pulled by horses in the streets, people with rather simple clothing walked at the side of the road, and the houses didn't strike him as being made with modern techniques. Izuku took a deep breath to try to taste the pure air that such a place was supposed to be blessed with, but instead his nostrils caught the smell of horse excrement and dirt, with a little bit of grass mixed in… he guessed he would have to be outside the town to get the so-called pure air.

"This looks peaceful; I guess we need to…" Izuku started to talk to the goddess that had come with him, expecting some guidance for this new world, and his task to bring peace to the people… then he was violently taken by the shoulders, courtesy of a hysterical blue-haired girl.

"WWWWAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAHH!" Aqua loudly cried in despair, shaking Izuku for all she was worth; her face and voice were full of fear, and by now, Izuku could tell that people were staring at the scene they were making.

"STOP IT!" Izuku shouted as he lightly gave a karate chop to her head. The blow wasn't strong enough to actually hurt, but Aqua stopped and held her head in surprise, looking at the boy with big watering eyes.

"Now, keep calm and breathe; I know you didn't intend to leave your place in heaven, but it was by your wording that you had to accompany me. Now, we are in this together, and together we'll find a way to complete this task. I'll become a hero, and you'll return to heaven, ok?" Izuku summarized their situation, giving a bright smile that the goddess found almost sickening, yet she couldn't fault him.

"Ok." Aqua finally replied with a downcast glance, knowing very well that she had sent countless people onto this path, and none had been able to get far from the starting point.

"Good! Now, tell me where to go first. There has to be a place where we can find clues on where to start, or somewhere to get recruited into the army or group intending to fight the Devil King, right?" Izuku elaborated, asking the goddess for directions and guidance; Aqua was beyond annoyed by the bright eyes of this boy, but she wished to be able to tell him what he wanted.

"Why should I know that?" Aqua answered, trying to not sound as upset as she truly was. Her despair was mired with anger, as she never expected setting foot on this backwater world.

"Aren't you a goddess? Gods are supposed to hold infinite knowledge, or at the very least, know how the world works… I mean, you made it look like you knew everything about this world when you were telling me to jump in." Izuku explained his reasoning, and Aqua had to admit that she may have twisted the impression she was giving… not that she would ever say that out loud.

"I am a goddess! You can't expect me to know every little detail of every place in this world; this tiny city has nothing of interest at all." Aqua replied, earning a dumbfounded stare from the potential hero.

"What you are telling me is… that you send people here without really knowing any details yourself?" Izuku asked, wanting with all his heart that the goddess before him would answer in a way befitting her station, but he was met with disappointment when she gave a simple nod with honest eyes.

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