Chapter 22

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"This is fucked up," Bull growls into the phone.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and nod. "I know, but it's reality."

"How is she this morning?"

I glance up at the bathroom. The door is closed as she dries her hair.

"Contemplative but responsive."

He grunts. "What does that even mean?"

"It means she's quieter than usual but she didn't put up an argument when I went down on her this morning in the shower."

A long, disappointed sigh escapes him. "Where do you guys go from here? I hate to sound like an asshole, but why is she still with you?"

Her phone buzzes on the table. Ignoring him for a moment, I let out a deep breath I'd been holding the moment I see it's Gwen.

Gwen: Can we do lunch today?

My heart swells.

"Hello?" Bull questions.

"Sorry," I grunt. "I'll see you in the meeting this morning. We'll talk after." I abruptly hang up, my focus on something new.

Me: It's Lisa. Jennie's drying her hair. I'm sure she'd love to go to breakfast instead. I have a meeting with a London client at 9. Can you pick her up at the office?

Gwen: Of course.

The dryer stops, and a second later, the bathroom door opens. Jennie is absolutely stunning today. Her silky brown hair has been blown straight and I love how strands glimmer in the sunlight shining in from the window. A towel remains wrapped around her body that bears red marks—marks I made from sucking on her all night and into the morning.

"Who are you texting?" she questions.

"Gwen. She wants you to have breakfast with her." I search her gaze. After all that went down last night, I feel that she's fragile. I need to put her back together if she starts to break again.

She takes her phone and reads through the texts. "Okay."

I'd only made it to putting my slacks back. Her eyes roam before she turns her back to me. I grab her hips and pull her into my lap. My arms snake around her middle.

"You feeling okay?" I question as I press kisses along the back of her shoulder.

"Surprisingly, yes," she says with a sigh, relaxing against me. "I should be a lot of things but not content." Her shoulders sag. "I shouldn't be happy."

I tug her towel loose and then urge her to straddle me so I can see her face. My fingers ghost up her ribs on both sides as I look at her, my stare fierce. "You should be so fucking happy, baby," I argue, pressing kisses to the hollow of her throat as I squeeze her bare ass.

Her palms find my cheeks and she frowns. "This isn't normal, Lisa. Nothing about this is normal. We're sick."

I slide my hand up to cup the back of her neck and draw her closer. We kiss softly. Our kisses are gentle and filled with promises. I pull slightly away and rest my forehead against hers. "We don't have to follow the rules. We just have to be together."

She seems to soften and relax. "You make it sound easy."

I grin at her, which makes her eyes twinkle in return. "It's that easy. You let me take care of you like I want. After everything you've been through, you deserve it. I sure as hell don't deserve you but I'm going to have you anyway."

Her thumb brushes along my jaw. "Are you always this intense?"

"Only when it comes to you," I say with a smirk.

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