Chapter 11

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I'd set my alarm for Sunday morning just like I do every Sunday morning. I call it my reset day. The day when I try to calm myself a bit before subjecting myself to a week of frustration at work. Normally, I pull on some yoga pants and head off for some Pilates before wasting my time at Starbucks for a couple of hours, planning vacations I'll never take.

But today...

Today feels different.

I feel different.

Last night, I dreamed about Lisa Manoban. Fantasized that we were intimate. Thought about her warming my bed. It felt safe. For once in a very long time, I wasn't absolutely terrified of being close to someone. I'd woken up with her scent still stuck in my nose from seeing her the night before, and I masturbated to her. For once, it wasn't Kai—that sick bastard—that I thought about while I got off. Perhaps I'm not as broken as I thought.

The thought thrills me. I almost bet if I were to thaw a bit, Lisa and I could have that delicious rumble in the sheets. But I'd already friend-zoned her.

A girl can still dream about her sexy-as-sin boss who she'd like to fuck if this were another life and she wasn't herself.

"Excuse me," an irritated woman utters, dragging me from my daydream. "Is that seat taken?"

I'd been so lost in my thoughts, I'd forgotten that I skipped Pilates altogether and went straight to Starbucks after a long shower where I ended up using the showerhead to ease another ache. They seem to keep coming. Literally.

"Oh, uh—" I start but a voice interrupts.

"The seat is taken."

I jerk my gaze over and find myself staring into Lisa's eyes. Her hair is wet, as if she just showered, and her chest is heaving as if she ran all the way here. The woman waddles off when she drops into the seat across from me.

"Fancy seeing you here," she says with a laugh as she sips on her coffee.

I can't help but beam at her. "Are you stalking me?"

Her eyes flicker with amusement. "I wish my story was as glamorous as that. I was actually in the neighborhood on my way to this market I recently found out about. Thought I'd grab a coffee first. You'll never believe the hottie I ran into."

With a snort, I shake my head at her. "You're relentless. Were you really in the neighborhood?"

She flashes me a shy grin. "I was, but in all honesty, I was coming to see you. You were upset last night, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Her cheeks turn slightly pink. The gesture has me thawing.

I chew on my bottom lip as I take in her appearance. She's slightly disheveled. It makes me wonder if she was in a hurry to come see me. The thought is a warm one. How is it that this guy was cold and in her own world Friday, but by Sunday she's someone I don't mind spending time with? "I'm fine. That's sweet of you to check up on me. Although," I say with a slight shake of my head. "You're a far cry from the prick I handed my notice in to on Friday."

Her smirk has the room feeling as though the temperature has risen. "Let's just say someone pointed out my flaws. Now I'm trying my damnedest to make her realize I'm not a complete asshole."

Even though we're surrounded by a ton of people on this busy Sunday morning, I feel as though we're all alone. Lost in our own little world.

"This whole having friends thing is weird," I admit with a chuckle.

Her long leg brushes against mine under the table and a spark of electricity darts its way to my core. I try not to shudder in pleasure.


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