Chapter 6

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I sit at my usual table wearing my usual scowl. Twenty minutes comes and goes. Then thirty. But, thank fuck, thirty-eight minutes after my text, she shows up at the hotel restaurant looking like she owns the damn place.

Her hair is what I notice first outside the window as she exits the cab. The wind sweeps it up in a lover's grip and the sun catches the gold in her mane. She fucking shines. Brilliant and beautiful. And mine.

I run my tongue along my bottom lip and feel a smile ghosting up on one side. This woman revives dead parts of me. She makes me feel alive. Like smiles and excitement and the thrill of a chase. Her scent lingers on my lips, despite my brushing my teeth this morning, and I can't help the groan that escapes me as I watch her strut toward the building. My cock is rock hard as I imagine peeling off her leather coat and peeking at what she's hiding underneath. I'm already standing by the time she enters the restaurant. Her eyes light up when she sees me. I jerk my head to signal her in my direction.

"Fancy seeing you here," she says, her words breathless.

I inhale her floral scent. Just like I promised myself I would, I got a good whiff of her as she exited her bathroom earlier. Even from my shitty position on her awful carpet, I could smell her. Her perfumed scent killed the disgust of the floor and instead replaced it with...her. I hadn't wanted to leave her but my stomach—after not having eaten dinner in my quest for knowledge of her—had started to grumble. Loudly. I didn't want her to find me sprawled out under her bed with a ten-inch boner. Plus, I needed to shower and change clothes.

I stand to greet her as she approaches. "You look radiant," I tell her, my voice low and husky. Radiant doesn't even begin to describe how gorgeous she is.

Her brown eyes narrow at my choice of words as she sheds her coat. The moment she slips it from her shoulders, my cock hardens. Her nipples are erect underneath her sweater. I can see the faint pink outline of them beneath the soft cashmere.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I hiss as I yank her chair back. "Where's your damn bra?"

She chuckles and it has a musical quality. "I don't like wearing one with this dress. You can see it."

"I can see your tits, Jennie," I seethe as I sit across from her. My gaze sweeps over the lingering late breakfast crowd, but thankfully nobody is paying either of us any mind. Her tits are safe from the leering eyes of the other patrons for now.

"Those are choice words coming from my boss. Hmmm," she bites out before sniffing the air. "Do I smell a sexual harassment suit?"

Rolling my eyes, I hand her the menu in hopes she'll cover her perfect tits from any onlookers. "If anyone is sexually harassing anyone, it's you harassing me. I came here for breakfast. The show was free."

Our eyes meet and hers flicker with challenge. The defiant look in them has my cock engorged with blood and the need to push inside her is all I can think about.

"What do you want, Ms. Manoban?" she demands, her voice saccharine sweet.

I stretch my leg out under the table, settling it between hers once I've pushed her ankles apart with my foot. Her eyes widen but she doesn't try to move away. Just the thought of her thighs spread slightly open has my jaw clenching. I wonder if she's wearing panties. My mouth is about to blurt out some shit that isn't ready to come out. She's not ready for what I have to say. So instead, I stare at her. Blatantly. I eyefuck her because clearly that's what she wanted when she put that dress on. Her throat moves as she swallows and she shakily lifts the menu as if to hide those tits from me.

With my finger, I push the menu back down to the table and then sweep my gaze over her gorgeous mounds. I linger my stare before licking my lips and then give her a smug smile.

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