Chapter 1

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it was a quite day at the home where two siblings lived the oldest brother who is named Iggy age 21and the younger sister named Vida age 11 both living in a apartment together. Vida decided she wanted to go outside for a while to get some fresh air. "Hey, Iggy you coming?" Vida calls out from outside the door waiting for her older brother to join her, she looks towards Iggy who is still inside his room doing some work. With no answer from him she decided to walk out to his bedroom with a frown on her face, "Big brother come on!!!" Still no answer. With an annoyed huff Vida decides that she should just drag him out of his room but when she tried reaching out towards the handle to do so he suddenly grabs it making her jump.

"What are you doing?" Vida asks with a confused expression on her face as she tries to see through Iggy's hands to see what he's working on "I'm busy Vida! Go away!" Iggy replies."But big brother" she said with tears in her eyes as she reaches out to touch Iggy but he moves backwards making Vida let out a sad cry and pouts as she turns around ready to walk away.

She walks over to her own bedroom before plopping herself down on top of the bed with a small sigh. she then heard a creeking sound from one of her shelves above her and the bottom shelf fell on top of her leaving her unconscious. Iggy ran in the room with a shocked look on his face and a worried look on his own.

"Vida!!" Iggy shouted in alarm as he hurried to pick Vida up "Wake up Vida!" he says shaking her slightly causing her head to loll a little. Iggy's heart skips a beat after seeing how much blood is running down Vida's pale cheeks and how her eyes are closed. He puts her back onto the bed not letting her fall off and pulls out his phone to call an ambulance. As he waits for the call to be picked up he sits next to Vida with tears filling up his eyes. "If only this didn't happen if only I would have took you outside like you wanted. I feel so terrible." he said.

A couple of minutes later an ambulance arrived at their house and immediately rushed to the hospital to check on Vida, Iggy quickly followed them in case something happens while they're gone. After a short amount of time Iggy had run after them but not being able to catch up due to the speed they were going. When the car finally stops Iggy rushes in and takes a seat on a bench near the hospital waiting area, he then pulls out his phone and stares at the screen looking at his screen saver of him and Vida both smiling with hearts all over it, he then hears footsteps approaching him and looks up to see a doctor walking towards him, "hello sir I'm Doctor Rolfe, your little sister has suffered a serious wound to the head and we were hoping you could fill us in about what happened to her."

Iggy lets out a shaky breath and nods "Well Vida was wanting to go outside and she wanted me to go with her but I told her no. She went into her room and that's when the shelf fell on her " he explained and the doctor nodded "The sad thing Iggy is that your little sister is in a coma now." Iggy felt a chill shoot through his spine when the doctor spoke those words " she can't be asleep right?" The doctor looked sadly at Iggy before answering "Unfortunately yes she is." he says before placing a hand on Iggy's shoulder "But we can keep an eye on her and make sure nothing changes." Iggy nodded and stood up from his seat. He followed Doctor Rolfe as they made their way towards a different section of the hospital. They reached Vida's room and saw that she was still asleep "Alright sir, you can wait here." Doctor Rolfe said before turning to leave. But Iggy didn't follow as he instead walked into Vida's room, he slowly approached her side to see how she was sleeping before sitting down beside her on the edge of the bed and grabbing hold of her limp hand. While Vida was in a coma she was dreaming about something


there was a calm field of flowers Vida happened to wake up in the flower field and she looked around curiously "Where am I?" she wondered as she sat there and got comfortable, soon enough she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see who it was who tapped her "Oh! Sorry, did I scare you?" a sweet voice came from behind her and she jumped back in fright "Hang on, hang on. Its okay! My name is Italy are you lost?" he said. Vida then quickly stood up and ran away from him. "This must be because of the bookshelf hitting me" Vida said to her self. as she continued to run she then bumped into a tall man in a German military outfit she looked up him and the man looked back down at her. She had fear in her eyes as they looked at each other she tried to run but the man grabbed her arm and he said "Who are you! State your business!" the man said. Vida then bursted into tears squirmed in his arm until he let her go, Vida then started crying in front of him "I'm sorry! I was just really frightened and I didn't know where I was or what happened I didn't mean to bump into you please don't hurt me!!" she said wiping away her tears. Italy then ran up to the man and said "Germany you found her!" Germany then looked down at Italy "Found her? What are you talking about? You brought her into my territory." Italy looked down at the ground and then said "So she isn't human?" Germany then looked at Italy "What?! She is most definitely a human look at her she is a little kid" he yelled at him. Italy held up his hands as he looked at Germany apologetically "I'm sorry." Vida then looked at Italy and then started to laugh "Your funny mister!" Italy then looked down and smiled. Before he could say anything a loud shout could be heard "Hey you!" a voice called. Vida and Italy both turned their heads to find another tall man marching towards them "You three better get over here right this instant or so help me..." Italy then cut him off "Oh no it's Australia!! RUN FOR IT!" Germany then grabbed Italy's shirt collar and said "You know better than to run from Australia! I will skin you alive!" before Germany threw Italy aside. Italy landed right on his butt and groaned "That wasn't nice..." Vida then looked up at Germany with wide eyes then she quickly covered her mouth as she saw that England and America were also watching them from afar.

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