chapter 4

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Vida was unaware of the fact that someone watched her for a few minutes she then fell asleep and the mysterious figure picked her up and took her to a house and layed her on a bed. She woke up and saw the person in front of her she was scared the person had short blonde hair and green eyes it was none other than Switzerland. She looked at him for a moment and  then said "You must be Switzerland right...?" Switzerland nodded his head slightly and said "Yea that's me." Vida then sat up properly in the bed and looked up at Swiss and asked "I'm guessing you already heard that I'm in a coma in my reality and trying to get back there correct?" Switzerland nodded his head yes and said "the news does travel fast here in this reality" A young girl with short hair came in and it was Liechtenstein, Switzerland's little sister. "Hey why are you in here?"  Switzerland asked Liechtenstein "I saw you carried this girl in to here and I got curious and worried about her in here so I followed you." Switzerland looked at her and raised an eyebrow and said "And you decided to follow me because you were worried about the girl? " Liechtenstein nodded her head again and said "I want to find out who this girl is." Switzerland then said "All I know is that this little girl here is in a comma in her reality and almost everyone is trying to get her back!" Vida then looked at Switzerland and Liechtenstein and said "I understand that everyone is trying to help me get back to my reality! I really want to go home I want my brother!!! but it's taking forever  to do what is needed!" Liechtenstein smiled sadly at her and said "Don't worry! We'll do whatever we can and try to bring you back soon as well!" Switzerland stood up from the chair he was sitting on and said "We can make your stay here here more comfortable for you." Vida looked at Switzerland and said "But I'm staying with the Nordics oh man they must be worried about me including Denmark!!!  " Switzerland put a hand over her mouth and said "They don't know yet. Let me tell them." Vida looked at him and said "Okay."  Switzerland left the room and called Denmark  and Vida listened while talking and then hung up. Vida then heard footsteps walking towards her and looked behind her she saw Switzerland standing in front of her. "Are you hungry?" Vida shook her head no and said "I just wanna go back home!!!!!!" she burst out in tears. "SHUT UP!!!!!" shouted Switzerland. Vida stopped crying and looked at him with wide eyes. Vida then tried to speak "I said shut upppp!!" said Switzerland angrily "I didn't mean get upset! I just want to go back home to my big brother" Vida then grabbed his arm and  held on tight. "Then how come you're in here?!" said Switzerland "Because a bookshelf fell on my head and caused me to go in to a coma!!!!!!!!!!!" Vida said. Switzerland yelled at her and pushed her off him, leaving her laying on the ground. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS??” He turned away from her and began pacing around her and she stared at him as he did that.  Vida then stood up carefully and said “I’m sorry Switzerland…” He then turned his head and glared at her and said “Shut up!” Vida then ran out the door and out side in to a small area and she bumped in to a man in traditional Chinese clothing "Aiyah! what the heck!!!" the man said. Vida looked up and saw it was China. He looked at Vida and said "wait a minute your that little girl who is in a coma in her reality right? The one that got hurt by a bookshelf falling on her head?" Vida nodded her head yes and China then took her by the hand and took her to his place it was calm and quiet   and he made sure that Vida was comfortable. "You seem comfortable here and you seem like a nice girl so I guess I can let you stay with me for now…" Vida was in shock that China said that she only wanted to stay with the Nordics. "But what about Denmark and the other Nordics? I was supposed to stay with them OH NO THEY MUST BE WORRIED SICK ABOUT ME." Vida said in a panicking tone of voice. "Why don't you sleep for a bit and I can call them when you are sleeping if that would make you feel better."  Chinathen said with a smile on his face.  "Alright." Vida said as she laid down on the couch. China smiled at her and walked out of the room and went outside to his garden. He walked into a room and closed the door and looked through the window at Vida as she laid down on the couch.  He smiled  softly and whispered "It seems she really wants to go home". China sat down on the floor near the window, crossed his legs and thought to himself "I better call Denmark and let him know that she is safe! I hope they don't think I've kidnapped her or something…"  China dialed the number for Denmark and Denmark answered the phone after a couple rings saying "Hello?" China then said "Hi it's China speaking… Yes I know you were worried about her… No, she is safe and fine right now… Yes I know it' been a long time since we talked…Yes, I will keep you updated and see you later here at my place." China hung up the phone and smiled softly. He went back inside and walked into the living room where Vida was still asleep. He picked up the blanket on the couch and wrapped it around her tightly and said "Rest easy now little girl Denmark will  come to get you soon."   With that he went out of the front door and sat on his porch and took out his phone and dialed a number  he knew Denmark always answered  his phone before anyone else's. "Yes hello?" Denmark said in a groggy state.  "Hey Denmark I have some good news for you! Vida is safely in my guest room!" 
Denmark said "Oh thank God! I was beginning to think that something bad had happened to her."  China laughed lightly and said "No nothing bad has happened to her! But she is in my guest room and I was wondering if you could come pick her up tomorrow." Denmark sighed loudly in relief and said "Of course I'll be there tomorrow morning." China said "Great! See you tomorrow!" and ended the conversation. "So I guess I should let you sleep." He looked out the window again and saw Vida lying in the same position that he last saw her and smiling. China then said to himself "Goodnight Vida."  He walked back inside his house and locked the door. When he entered his bedroomWhen China entered his bedroom, he found himself enveloped in a soothing atmosphere. Soft, warm light filtered through the translucent curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. The walls were adorned with delicate Chinese calligraphy, each stroke carefully crafted to capture the essence of wisdom and tranquility. A scent of sandalwood lingered in the air, adding to the serene ambiance. China walked towards his bed, its mahogany frame exuding elegance and grace. He sat down on the edge, taking a moment to reflect on the events of the day. Thoughts of Vida and her longing for home tugged at his heartstrings, reminding him of his own deep-rooted connection to his motherland.
With a sigh, China began to undress, the fabric of his traditional clothing sliding off his shoulders with practiced ease. He folded each garment meticulously, placing them in a wooden chest, a symbol of reverence for tradition and cultural heritage. As he slipped into a comfortable pair of silk pajamas, China couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. He had provided a safe haven for Vida, a temporary sanctuary where she could find solace and regain her strength. A small smile graced his lips, the happiness that radiated from her innocent face echoing within his heart.
China approached the window, drawing back the curtains to reveal the breathtaking view of the moon casting its silvery glow upon his flourishing garden. Lush greenery, adorned with vibrant blossoms, stretched out before him, a testament to the harmony he had fostered in this tranquil space. Leaning against the window sill, China gazed at the moon, its ethereal glow painting a picture of serenity and hope. His thoughts drifted to Vida, her slumbering form nestled amidst the soft blankets in his guest room. He hoped that this respite would bring her comfort, even if it was only for a short while.
"Goodnight, Vida," China whispered, his voice barely a breath of sound. He closed his eyes, allowing the tranquility of the night to wash over him, soothing his weary soul. In the stillness, he could almost hear the gentle rustling of leaves outside, as if nature itself whispered its lullaby.
As China settled into his bed, his mind wandered back to the upcoming day. Denmark's arrival brought with it the promise of reuniting Vida with her cherished Nordics. That have been taking care of her for a while. With a contented sigh, China allowed sleep to claim him, his dreams filled with visions of laughter, friendship, and the unyielding bonds that connected them all. Tomorrow would be a new chapter in Vida's journey, and he was grateful to have played a part in it. As the moon continued to cast its gentle glow upon the world outside, China succumbed to the embrace of slumber, his heart lighter and his spirit at ease. The next morning came and Denmark was almost there to China's  front yard by 9:00 AM.  As he stepped into China's property he was met by the peaceful atmosphere of his home. He was greeted by the sight of China standing next to the front door in an apron, preparing some tea. He called out to China "Morning! Is Vida already awake yet?" China turned around and said "Yes she is. Come and see her!" China led Denmark into the house and pointed to the second level of the house and Denmark followed behind him.  They reached the top and China opened the door to show Denmark Vida sitting on the bed. Denmark rushed forward and hugged her, gently stroking Vida's hair and whispering "Thank God you're alright! We were all worried sick!" China smiled at the sight of the Denmark embracing Vida in a tight hug, not noticing China walking over to a cupboard and pouring himself a cup of tea. He took a sip and smiled to himself, feeling at peace as he watched the two embracing each other.Vida's hair fell gently around her face, framing her bright eyes and radiant smile. She whispered, "Thank God you're alright! We were all worried sick!" Denmark held her even tighter, his embrace conveying both relief and a profound sense of protection. China watched this heartfelt reunion, his own smile widening as he witnessed the bonds of friendship and love strengthening before him. With a sense of contentment, China walked over to a nearby cupboard and reached for a delicate porcelain teapot. The soft clink of the lid being lifted echoed in the room as he poured himself a cup of tea. The fragrance of jasmine filled the air, intertwining with the warmth and harmony that permeated his home. As he took a sip, the delicate flavors danced on his tongue, soothing his senses and further grounding him in the present moment. China's gaze shifted back to Denmark and Vida, who were now sitting side by side on the bed. Their hands were intertwined, a silent reassurance passing between them. He marveled at the strength and resilience they had shown throughout their journey, and the unwavering trust they had in one another. It was a testament to the power of friendship, transcending borders and cultures. Lost in his thoughts, China observed the subtle details of their interaction. Denmark's comforting presence enveloped Vida, his broad shoulders providing a solid foundation. Vida, in turn, leaned into him, her vulnerability met with unwavering support. It was a beautiful sight, a true reflection of the love and care that existed within the Nordic family. China took another sip of tea, allowing the warmth to spread through his body. In that moment, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He had played a small part in their journey, offering solace and temporary shelter to Vida. But it was their own strength and resilience that had led them to this reunion. As the three of them sat in comfortable silence, China couldn't help but reflect on the power of connections. The world may be vast, with countless differences and complexities, but it was in moments like these that humanity found its unity. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos, there was always a glimmer of hope, a thread of compassion that connected people across the globe. China's thoughts were interrupted by Vida's voice, filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, China, for everything you've done for me. I will never forget your kindness." Her words resonated deeply within China's heart, a reminder of the impact one person's actions could have on another's life.
China smiled warmly at her, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of pride and affection. "You are always welcome here, Vida. Remember, you have a second with me whenever you need it. But now, it's time for you to go back to your loved ones. They have been waiting for you."
Denmark nodded in agreement, his grip on Vida's hand tightening. "We can't thank you enough, China. You've been a true friend, and we are eternally grateful. We will never forget what you've done for us." China's smile widened, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. He had provided a safe haven, a sanctuary for Vida in her time of need. And now, it was time for her to embark on the next chapter of her journey, to reunite with her cherished Nordics. As they prepared to leave, China walked them to the front door, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and bittersweet longing. He watched as Denmark and Vida embraced once more, a final farewell before they ventured into the world beyond his doorstep. "Take care, my dear friends," China said softly, his voice filled with a gentle warmth. "May your path be filled with love, laughter, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us all."
With a final wave, Denmark carried Vida back to the Nordics place. As they disappeared from view, China closed the door, his heart filled with a sense of serenity and hope. He turned back towards his home, the tranquility of his surroundings enveloping him once more. The soft rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a golden glow across the room. China knew that although their paths may diverge, the memories they had created would forever be etched in their hearts. China took a moment to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings, the intricate calligraphy on the walls, the delicate aroma of incense that filled the air. It was a reflection of his heritage, a testament to the wisdom and tranquility that had guided his life. Back at the Nordics house Denmark and Vida arrived coming back from China's place and immediately Finland ran to Vida and gave her a big hug and Sweden walked over and said to Denmark "You finally got her back let's just hope Prussia doesn't try to take her again!" Denmark laughed and replied "That bastard won't do anything to Vida, I'll make sure of that." Finland asked "What are you planning to do, anyway?" Denmark replied "It's best if no one knows about this. We might as well keep our mouths shut for the time being." Norway and Iceland then joined in their discussion. Without knowing Vida let out a small yawn and leaned up next to Iceland  "I'm so tired... I think I might go to bed, everyone." Norway nodded and said, "That sounds great, Vida, maybe you should get some rest." She nodded and slowly started to get up, Iceland walking close behind to support her and helping her walk.
When they reached the staircase Vida suddenly stopped.  Before anyone else could react, she collapsed on top of Iceland falling asleep in his arms. Iceland gave a small smile and Denmark said "looks like she's really exhausted here let me take her ok?"  After nodding, Iceland helped Denmark lift Vida in his arms, carrying her up the stairs and heading towards the bedroom they shared. Denmark laid her down onto the bed, covering her with a blanket as Iceland left the room to fetch some water. Once she was completely covered, Vida began mumbling, half asleep. "Nnno, no… please don't go…" Denmark chuckled and pulled her blanket up to her chin, whispering "it’s only me Vida" in a whisper that was barely audible. "Go to sleep… we'll talk in the morning." Vida settled and drifted off to sleep. As Denmark closed the door behind him he heard Norway say "she's been through a lot lately, she needs to rest."  Denmark nodded and quietly went downstairs. As he walked into his living area he saw Finland, Sweden and Norway talking, their faces illuminated by the light of the sun streaming through the kitchen window. "She's gonna be ok… we just gotta pray she gets some sleep," said Denmark. They all went to bed hoping they could figure out what to do next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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