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C H A P T E R   O N E

Christal stares out of the large window looking over at the building beside it. All the buildings were tall, but none were as short as the one she was in currently. It was her father's company building after all. The man couldn't afford a bigger and better building because his company wasn't doing well. No matter how many wineries he tried to talk to, he failed repeatedly. Even in a crisis like this, Donell, her father, decided to waste money on this party and on the current attire she was wearing. Her hair was straightened before it was put into a pretty bun, with some of her curls out here and there. The expensive red dress with her back out and a slit up her leg, hugged her body nicely, creating beautiful lines that would make any man fall for her. The gold accents just made her stand out even more, everything she had on was roughly over twenty thousand dollars.

 It was uncomfortable. 

She is not used to this lifestyle, even after spending her whole life in it. Her mother left when she was five and her father became ruthless. He used to spend his money recklessly at casinos, flaunting the money he had made from his steady wine business to many men and women that he became lost in it. Donell partied so much that he couldn't even remember that he had a ten-year-old daughter that waited for him to come home every night and he also couldn't remember which topless woman con him out of half a million dollars that very night.

Since then all the money he wasted and the mystery woman stole, took a large toll on his wine company's revenue. That's when the verbal abuse started. She lived through hell with him and she's still going through it.

Christal sighs and shakes her head, the gold earrings brush against her cheek as she turns her head to finish the wine in her glass. The sugar really did help her calm her nerves, but it was not enough for her.

"Slow down would you," the familiar voice whispers close to her ear. "You're going to make the men here avoid you."

Christal rolled her eyes and turns around slowly to look at her father's head of security, Nigel. 

"You approached me, didn't you," She sassed. " So I don't see the problem."

"Don't be a smart-ass."

Christal rolled her eyes again before stepping around him to get another glass of wine, but Nigel grips her arm and pulls her back. Of course, he did it in a way so people won't turn their heads. It would embarrass her father.

"Let me go."

"I came over here because your old man told me to, so slow down on the drinking, or I'll take matters into my own hands," He whispers close to her ear making her tremble from fear. "Like last time."

The memory almost made her vomit, but she had to keep it down. Nigel manipulated her to believe he cared about her. She felt like a high school girl having a crush on him, and when he buttered her up, telling her myths about how he was to help her escape this harsh reality. She gave herself to him, and sadly he was her first. After a week of being intimate with him, he broke her heart letting her know that it was all just to see what a twenty-two-year-old virgin would be like.

"I said let me go."

Nigel smiles to not draw too much attention to them, but her frown was beginning to cover her face, but the moment she looks over to see her father's judging eyes, she quickly covered that frown with a wide smile, before pulling her arm from Nigel's grasp.

Nigel scoffed and walks away from her making her huff softly. There was no point in this party, her father was just wasting time and money he doesn't have at all. 

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