Chapter 4: A New Day, A New Journey Part 2

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Y/N)- Your Name

(E/C)- Eye Color

(F/C)- Favorite Color

(H/C)- Hair Color


Location: Vale- Beacon Academy

Time: 10:00 A.M.

The Vale Airship had slowly begun to make it's decent. The view of the academy itself was like nothing that (Y/N) had ever seen. He goes out a lot, but no other sight could compare to the beauty of such prestige school.

"Amazing. I bet this is what mom and dad saw when they came here." He said to himself.

As the ship's doors finally opened, a blonde-hair body ran past him with his hands covering his mouth. No sooner had he got out, he turned towards the closest bin and regurgitated. (Y/N) stepped out of the ship and patted the boy's back.

"There, there. We're on solid ground now. Just let it all out." (Y/N) said as to reassure the boy.

(Y/N) held his bag over his shoulder and began to make his way to the front gates of Beacon. The view of the the academy was just mesmerizing. Looking over, he wasn't the only one who was mesmerized by the sight. Everyone was just in awe. It was like a dream to be here.

The silence was slowly broken by small talk amongst the future students of the academy. Many began to walk towards the school as a few stayed behind and spoke with each other. Maybe some of them will be future friends during his stay.

But before (Y/N) could do much, the sound of luggage bags toppling over broke the peace and quiet. Looking over, (Y/N) saw Ruby once again as she was on the ground with silver luggage bags laying across the ground. A girl in near complete white angerly spoke to Ruby as she held a vial of dust. The boy took notice on the small amount of dust flying out of the vial, creating small dust clouds to form in front of Ruby.

"Uh, Ms.? You might not want to shake that." He advised as she looked over to him.

"I'm trying to explain to this dolt about the damage she could have caused." She retored, unknowing that Ruby was close to sneezing with the dust around the air.

Before he could say another word, Ruby had sneezed with the dust clouds right in front of her, causing a small explosion to blow right in front of their faces. (Y/N) winced at the sight as a small crowd took notice. The dust vial that was once in Ms. Schnee's hand, had now landed on the ground and rolled over towards the girl with a black bow on her head. She glanced at the vial as she continued to read her book.

"I try to warn ya-" (Y/N) said. But before he could finish, he glanced over to see a familiar man. "Dad?"

The man in a strange red and white jumpsuit stood in front of a statue. (Y/N) could barely see much of him due to the amount of people walking by, not seeming to notice him. The (H/C)-haired boy began to move closer to see the man, but his vision continues to become obscured by the students. As soon as he approached the statue of the man, he slowly appeared to be turning around. (Y/N) was only able to get a small glimpse of the man's face. Surprised by his appearance, he could have sworn his father was there. But as soon as he was close enough, the man vanished.

Looking around, all (Y/N) could see was students walking pass to head to the main hall. The boy just stood in place as he gazed up towards the statue. It was of a huntsman and a huntress standing triumphant on a cliff with a beowolf underneath. His (E/C) eyes remained focus on the statue with silence filling the air. Looking over his scroll, he pulls a photo of his father and mother with their team standing in front of it. His eyes gazed over the statue once more; maybe once he joins a team, they could grab a photo in front of the statue as their forever memory.

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