Delhi 🏙️

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It's been 6 months since I am working like a robot. Not any problem actually, I am always the one. But the condition given to me had made me more stressed. I never was or will be stressed about my work cause that's what I love. Money, power and violence.

But my grandfather dropped a bomb on my head. Oh God! Why he put me in this condition. I never wanted to marry anyone. Why can't I inherit my business without getting married? But I know what I have to do. I have found a girl for me.

Hot, classy and a Royal. I can easily make her agree for a contract marriage. That's it everything as per me.

I was in my thoughts when my cabin door opened but as I can say anything Dadu entered.

"Dadu! You here. Anything serious?" I asked.

"Yes. We are going to Delhi for a week. Arrange everything here and inform Ranveer also. He is coming with us."  He ordered.

"But Dadu why we have to go. If there is any problem then ask Vijay uncle he can handle there right. He is in Delhi only. " I aksed.

"No. We have to go and not everything is related to work. Arrange everything here and we have train our tomorrow morning. "  He said making me shock.

Train and me ?? No no no. That's so untidy.

'Dadu train? Wait. I will arrange the chop-- " I was interrupted by a tsk.

"Tsk.. I said train then it's train. Got it. Now be ready. " He ordered and left.

What had happened to him. He never talked to me like this before. Is this because of that inheritance? Or I have done something wrong? Why has he became so rude towards me? God!! I want my loving Dadu back.

Fine let's talk to Ranveer first. I called him and told him everything. He agreed. But the question is why Dadu has to go to Delhi? Moreover at the time of Diwali?

I moved out of my thoughts and started to complete everything and postponing the meetings. I got free at 11 in night and went to my apartment. I informed Dadu that I will meet him at station with Ranveer. But my mind is still stuck on the fact why we have to go to Delhi?

Morning came faster than expected.  And now I am still sitting in my car outside the railway station. These trains are always late. Can't they  run on the expected time? And why Dadu arranged a ticket for this train? We could have took the train of Jaipur to Delhi directly, why Pune to Delhi train?

I was in my thoughts when Ranveer asked me to come out and head inside. The station was as expected untidy. My bodyguard, Rana searched for our seat and settled the luggage over there. We were sitting in our compartment but the smile on Dadu's face and hesitation in his eyes is telling me a different story.

I am just waiting for this Delhi shit to get over.



God!! Why this train gets late. I am just tired of this all. First I didn't wanted to come to this city and now I am stuck over sitting here. I just want this week to get over soon.

"Inder, aur kitni der??" I asked him whinning.

"20min. more please cutie pie. Please." He said with puppy eyes making me huff.

20 min. And then I will be over there. In my birth city and would be living in that house where I didn't wanted to be back. God knows what Papa wanted to talk about. It's just making me feel anxious.

Train stopped and I came down. Finnally I am here after years. I still don't want to go ahead but can't do anything. Papa wants to talk about something important and Diksha needs me with her. I can't go back. I have to face it.

I know something big is going to happen in this week and it will definitely ruin my life again. This time I think I am in a big mess.

Delhi Delhi Delhi..... I just hate this city......


-: What is it that Dakshya's grandfather is         

What will he do when his grandfather will reveal the thing he is hiding???

What about Chitra?? What is going to happen that she is getting wrong intuition??

What is that important talk????


Sorry for being late guys but I was suffering from severe stomach infection and diarrhoea. I was on bed rest from last 3-4 weeks. And then exams and all.

Sorry for disappointing you all.....🥲🥲

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