A Gift.

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Hannibal opens the car door for you and the exact moment you enter the dark blue vehicle you instantly feel exhausted. Doctor Lecter motions you to roll down the window and you do so, he leans down on the window frame and puts on the most serious face you've seen him wear.


You stiffen, that wasn't advice, that was an order. His voice had been hard and commanding. You nod robotically with your mouth hanging wide open and you move back a little.

Then he hands you something. It's a small white beautifully wrapped package with a dark red ribbon around it. 

"Woah, what's this?"

"A gift."

You give the ribbon one swift tug and the package gently falls apart revealing a small black object. Your mouth drops even lower in shock. After telling yourself countless amounts of times that you do not care for these things any longer you realise the lie you have been believing.

"You...got me a phone?"

"Yes, as you are my client now I will be needing to contact you while you are in the care of Jack Crawford and... His team."

You turn the phone in your hands, the black colour in comparison to your hands is an annoying reminder of how pale you have become. 

"Thank You, Doctor Lecter."

"My pleasure, also you will find a number to contact Jack or myself if you are experiencing any problems."


"Miss Peters, although I am fond of your politeness there is no need to thank me again," Hannibal interrupted with a tired smile on his face "I'm afraid I must leave you to the arrival of your new home."

"Goodnight Doctor Lecter."

"As I wish to yourself Miss Peters."

Hannibal walks to to drivers window to give directions and your attempts to inspect the driver from your seat fail. The driver does not seem interested in being acquainted with you in the slightest and for some reason the thought of this is relaxing.

The car exits the parking lot and Doctor Lecter leaves holding his hand up to wave goodbye, his face holds a small smirk and gives you the feeling he's laughing at something you are unaware of.

You rest your head by lying horizontally on the seat and you close your eyes, listening to the world around you holding the phone close to your chest.

You listen as you leave the city behind and sounds of angry drivers and sirens disappear into almost complete silence apart from the sounds of the wind and animals of the night awakening. 

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