9: Bitter Scream

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4 years earlier

Tyler was upstairs in the bathroom, getting ready for school, when the doorbell rang. Busy trying to shape his hair into an effortlessly messy look--which took a surprising amount of effort--he didn't think much of it at first. Probably just some salesperson or one of his cousin's giggling friends who ogled him at every opportunity.

Probably best to stay away if that's who it was. It was enough that he had to play the role of ladies' man in school, Tyler didn't want to do it at home as well.

That's when a shrill call cut through the house, making Tyler freeze mid-hair twirl. He knew that voice all too well.

"Damn it, Kevin, get out of the way! Just let me fucking see my children!"

His mom was back, and she was upset. Which wasn't an unusual state for Darlene Caster, especially after she'd been drinking.

Relief about his mom being alive mixed with fear of what would happen now. Would she bring him and Emmie back with her to their untidy and unstocked house again? Would he have to worry every time he came home that something would have happened to his mom or sister? Would he once again not be sure when he would be able to eat a proper meal?

His heart beat faster and his stomach growled just thinking about the possibility. He loved his mom but he'd also loved being able to just be a teen again the last few weeks. Now he could sit down and play with his sister after school while chewing whatever tasty snack his aunt had prepared for him, and not have to feel like he was responsible for her safety.

He'd even done his homework a few times lately. His teachers had been stunned when he handed it in.

Needing to figure out what was going on, Tyler snuck out of the bathroom, hair still only half effortless, and toward the stairs that lead to the bottom floor, where the entrance lay.

"Just calm down, Darlene." Kevin somehow managed to keep his voice steady and his demeanor breezy despite being verbally assaulted repeatedly. Tyler's mom had never got along with his uncle. She thought Kevin was nosy and intervened in her parenting too much. She sneered when he gave Tyler new soccer shoes or a winter jacket that actually fit, but usually, she allowed him to keep the items anyway.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do!" Darlene threw back in a decidedly not calm manner.

"If you come inside for a cup of coffee, we can talk this out," Kevin tried, still not resorting to yelling.

"I don't need any fucking coffee! I need my children! My neighbor told me you had been by and picked them up."

It definitely sounded like Darlene may need coffee to cancel out what she had already drunk that morning, which was definitely not coffee.

"The children had been alone for hours. That's why we picked them up." Kevin gave out a despondent sigh. It seemed even his patience was finally running thin. "Social Services has given me and my wife temporary custody of them both in your absence. If you want to discuss the terms of that, you need to talk to them. I can give you the phone number of our contact person."

Tyler doubted his mom would be interested in discussing anything with Social Services since she always grumbled about the government meddling in her business. Besides, discussing matters in a calm manner wasn't really her forte.

Maybe if he went downstairs, he could talk some sense into his mother and make her understand that this arrangement was for the best. He was after all experienced in making his mom think his ideas were actually hers. Perhaps she would even agree to sign into a treatment facility if that was the only way to get her children back. Tyler had tried to float the idea discreetly before, to no avail, but now there would be a clear incentive.

Bitter Treats (BxB Romance, In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now