8: Sweet Change

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"Are you sure you don't remember the password?" Robin sounded remarkably patient for having already asked this very question three times.

Tyler nodded, blonde curls spilling over his eyes. He blew them away. Perhaps he needed to get a haircut. He'd let his hair grow since before his accident. Thinking about it, he couldn't even remember the last time someone took a pair of scissors to his curls. But that was an issue for another time. Right now, the issue at hand was his online university portal password.

"I have no clue," he sighed. It was true. The password was completely wiped from his brain. He'd forgotten it the moment after he set it, just wanting to get Miss Horn off his case. He'd tried the name of his favorite soccer player, Luis Suarez--the mad Uruguayan known for biting opponents--as well as his little sister's birthday, both of which were common passwords in his repertoire, to no avail. It could be some gibberish phrase for all he knew.

Hoping he maybe was onto something, he tried IWantToGoHome followed by MissHornSucks. Neither phrase let him pass through the virtual gates of the portal.

"Did you get in?" Robin asked hopefully.

Tyler shook his head again, feeling embarrassed about his failure to execute Robin's request. He wanted to, that wasn't the issue. He would probably do a lot of stuff that Robin requested of him without question. But his stupid mind just wouldn't cooperate with this one query.

"But we need to log in to the student portal to check the syllabus for your courses."

"Don't you have the syllabus?" Tyler pulled a hand through his hair as he once again rummaged through his brain to find the lost password. Perhaps his mind was too scrambled from spending prolonged time in the company of Robin and his blue eyes. Because it was currently difficult for him to focus on anything else than trying to coax a shy smile or adorable blush out of the boy beside him.

"Only for the courses we have together," Robin, the patron saint of patience, clarified. "And I want to check what other courses you have and what we should study for them."

Tyler groaned, flopping his upper body down on the table so his forehead rested against the textbook in front of him. "I don't know," he mumbled. "I can't remember stuff like that. I only remember interesting stuff."

Like Premier League standings, video games stats, and how cutely Robin smiled when Tyler completed a task he'd been given. He wasn't about to complete this task though, as the password appeared lost in the wilderness of his mind, so he wouldn't be rewarded with an adorable smile.

"If I press this button, you should get an email sent to you so you can change your password," Robin suggested. "You can use my computer to do it." Eternally helpful, Robin slid his laptop toward Tyler, who had forgotten his device at home this morning. He couldn't even blame that mistake on Robin's smile. He'd simply been in too much of a hurry to remember to grab the device. Morning chores did take considerably longer when you only had one leg, and he always forgot to account for that.

"I can't remember my email password either..." Tyler grumbled, still with his head flopped on the desk to hide the blush rising on his cheeks. He must be making a really poor impression on Robin. He'd come in with the intention to charm all he seemed to do was fail. "It's saved in the browser on my computer so I never have to enter it."

"On your phone maybe then?" It was a wonder that Robin hadn't given up on this tutoring endeavor already. Why was he even still here? In thirty minutes, all they had accomplished was to open their books. Although there had also been a hand touch that was quite revelatory. It may have only been so in Tyler's unkempt and frazzled head though.

Tyler lifted his head from the table to retrieve his phone from his pocket. "That may work," he admitted, opening his inbox to find an email from the student portal about changing his password. "You're a genius, Robby." He threw a dazzling smile toward the other boy, bright enough to hopefully cover for his embarrassment over the current conundrum.

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