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Exactly at 4:45 p.m there is a message in my phone.

Assalamu alaikum, hello.

I am Nadeem. Hope you know me...😅

I saw the message after around 20 minutes.

My heart beat sped up, my hands turning cold and shivering.

I know, this looks dramatic but come on, just imagine, talking to your future fiance and husband for the first time. How would you feel.

After few minutes, after showing the text to Faisal, my brother and controlling my sped up heart.. I replied.

Walaikum assalam.
Yes.. I know you.

I immediately got the reply....

How was yesterday, i couldn't
ask you.
Any concerns from your side?

I felt, how sweet he his that he asks fot my views then i replied.

Alhamdulillah everything was
good yesterday.
No one would let us talk.

I wanted to add, before marriage but i felt shy to say that.

Slowly our chats increased.

Thank you so much for the
chocolate. I love chocolates alot.

His reply yet again made me shy.

I saw in your bio.

He had gone through my insta. Idk, how should I feel and whatever i am feeling is what i should feel.

I gave a blushy, emoji in return.

From then, our chats started.

We got to know each other's likes, dislikes, hobbies, our working schedule and many more things.

His likes.

Fav color, blues.
Fav food, biryani and mac & cheese.
His friends, he has lots, from school to college to now in office.
He is very outgoing person.
He drinks tea 4 to 5 times a day.

Like come on who drinks that much.

His hobbies, he plays cricket, pubg, watch movies and series, sleeping and eating.

Dislikes for now i got to know is, some vegetables, maths... Which he hate the most, and i love it the most.


Then he asked for my hobbies, and its obviously reading.

I told him about my fav author, ana huang.

She is actually not my very favourite, and neither  read any physical books that much and who wld say about wattpad books.

Our chats grew more comfortable, as we got to know more about each other.


I didn't want to chat with him.

Not because i don't like to chat or something, but because of religion.

Islam doesn't allow you to have a conversation to a non-mehram. Obviously, he is going to be my husband soon, but he isn't my husband yet and having daily conversation would reduce the excitement of starting days of our marriage.

Talking to each other has few advantage, but not talking is best, coz that's what islam says.

I want to say this, but i couldn't.

I don't want him to misunderstand my thoughts, so i haven't yet told him.

Hope i gain courage to say it.

Our chats would be about our skl and college days and how less i enjoyed my college days, coz of lockdown,

He would say me what they spoke about me in his house.

His family would say, i am really shy. Obviously i am.

His dad once said to them it seems, once after marriage everyone together has to make me comfortable.

Isn't he sweet.

Once, we were talking he said he is explaining some doubts to some of his colleague and he sent the pic of his laptop.

It was google meet, and it was a girl he was explaining.

I didn't feel jealous at all.

Our chats would be till 1 in the night.

And i would wake up early to help mamma, to prepare breakfast and lunch.

My sleeping time reduced because of this.

Then, for engagement dress selection they invited my mom dad.

The next sunday, mom dad went their place and i and faisal went to our chachi's house.

There it was really fun, as mom and dad were there he had kept his phone on silent, he had muted my chats on insta so that no notifications would be seen.

It was funny.

He helped me a lot in selection my outfit.

He had already asked me about the colours i liked, and he tried choosing that but no one let him do it seems.

My mom video called me to show the dress they selected and i really liked it.

I was happy that my likes and dislikes matter to them and ,to him the most.

Its not common for indian girls to get to choose the dress for their weddings, its brought by her in laws. Though this also is from my in laws, but i was let in for selection.

I sneakily saw him when mom had video called. He had worn red shirt.

After sometimes he sent me the kurtas they selected for him.

It matched my lehenga.

I melted then and there.

But i saw the text a bit late.. And he had already selected his outfit.

But the kurta i liked oly, he had also selected for himself.

Later that day evening again he asked me, if i really liked the dress.

I really liked it.. Its not lie.

Who wouldn't like such pretty lehenga, it was just like i had imagined about my wedding and their rituals.

And the time went on, and soon tomorrow is my engagement.

Already most of my relatives had come 2 or 3 days back.

It was fun.

But the sad thing about this is, my best friend and best cousin couldn't make it. Both their mother's didn't allow them.

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