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it's almost time for finals, and to say that michael is stressed would be an understatement. he's been studying like crazy and just finished sending in college applications, so he's also nervous about that, too.

michael sits at the white desk in his room and looks over his study packet for history. all time low is playing softly in the background to keep him focused, then his phone starts to ring. michael groans, then walks over to his iphone dock and answers it.


"hey, michael."

"ashton, what do you want? i'm trying to study."

"studying? for what?"

"you know, finals, those huge exams we have in two days," michael sighs.

"oh, i'm not studying for those. i don't need to study for tests, i pass them anyways."

that made michael a little self concious. it meant that ashton was naturally smart and good at memorizing while michael had to study to get a good grade.

"come on, mikey, just take a break. cal, luke and i are heading down to the coffee shop, then the record store. you should come with."

michael thinks for a little bit, then sighs.

"fine, only for a little bit, tho."

"ok," ashton smiles, "see you in a bit."

michael hangs up, then changes into leggings and a simple white shirt, then his white high tops. and since it's a chilly march day, he puts on luke's black and white flannel that he left her. michael smiles when he puts it on, because it smells like luke; nice cologne, cinnamon (they made cookies when he wore it) and cigarettes.

michael grabbed his phone and told his father where he was going, then left. he listened to halsey as he walked.

luke sat at the table, talking with calum and ashton and waiting for his coffee to be made. he saw a familiar face outside the window, and smiled when he saw it was michael. michael cooped himself in his room all week to study, and he and luke haven't hung out or gone on a date.

michael stood in line, and luke stared at michaels ass, because he was wearing the leggings that make it look amazing, and you can kind of see his pale pink panties through them. luke bit his lip as he stared, then looked away as soon as michael was done ordering. michael came over and stood next to luke for a second, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and luke grabbing michaels butt. michael jumped, then smiled at the tattooed boy. michael took a seat next to luke and started talking to ashton, across from him, about college.

"where'd you apply?" ashton asks.

"university of colorado, university of california in l.a., and new york state. what about you?"

"well, i'm doing community college for a year, then i'll see where i go from there."

"wait, mikey, you applied to new york university?" luke asks, looking at his boyfriend.

"yeah, why?"

"i applied there, too, for music. i signed up for a scholarship, but haven't heard back, yet."

"oh, really? i signed up for a photography scholarship. i don't think i'll get in, though."

"why not?" calum asks. "i've seen your pictures, and they're really good. i think you'll get it, both of you."

"yeah, if we do, we can share a dorm together, or get an apartment," luke smiles.

michael nods, then see's all of their drinks coming over.

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