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on monday, michael woke up to the sound of rain pattering on his windows. he smiled, because rainy weather is his favorite weather. he slapped his alarm clock, then stretched before getting out of bed.

michael eats some scrambled eggs for breakfast, then goes back up to his room and puts on today's outfit. michael finishes applying pink blush, then smiles at his crown ring as he slides it onto his ring finger. michael decided that he looks great today (when doesn't he tbh), so he goes in front of his full length mirror and takes a few selfies, then posts his favorite to instagram with the caption "even though my dizzy head is numb, i swear my heart is never giving up," which is a quote from the song luke wrote.

he posts the picture, then calls luke.

"hey, princess," luke says when he answers.

"hi, baby," michael smiles. "can i get a ride to school?"

"of course, i'll be there in a few."

they exchange their goodbyes, then michael waits downstairs with his backpack until he see's luke's car pull into the driveway. he rushes outside, then gets into the car to see luke screenshoting something; michael's instagram post.

"you look great today, baby," luke smiles, causing michael to blush.

luke backs out of the driveway and drives to school with his hand resting on michael's thigh. michael hums along to the song on the radio and smiles when he see's that luke is wearing his crown ring.

"luke, i'm thinking about getting a tattoo, what do you think?" michael asks.

luke looks at michael, then back at the road.

"i think you should do it, babe. what do you want to get?"

"i was kind of thinking that we could get matching tattoos? like, you don't have to if you don't want to but-"

"mikey, of course i'll get a tattoo with you," luke chuckles.

michael smiles and continues to speak.

"i really wanted a yin-yang tattoo, but i was thinking that i could get the white part and you could get the black part on our wrists."

"that's cute. i'll make an appointment," luke says, holding michael's thigh tighter.

luke then goes through the drive through of starbucks, ordering a black coffee for himself and an iced caramel latte for mikey.

once they arrive to school, luke and michael walk to homeroom hand in hand as they laugh with each other and sip their drinks. they sit with ashton at a table and talk until the first period bell rings.


as michael walks to the bathroom during fifth period, he is suddenly pushed against the lockers. he winces at the pain that rushes through his body, then opens his eyes and see's two people he hates; connor and liam. connor and liam were his bullies, then they were suspended for smoking weed in the bathroom. apparently they're back now.

"what's up, faggot?" connor smirks.

michael's lips tremble with fear, unable to speak.

"speak when you're spoken to, asshole!" liam yells, smacking michael.

"p-please leave me a-alone," michael whimpers.

"seems like nothing has changed, you're still a girly pussy," liam smirks.

he throws michael to the floor and sits on top of michael as he throws punches, while connor kicks michael.

"oh, what's this?" connor asks, examining michael's ring. "does the fag have a boyfriend?"

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